Hello Mooers! I would like to share some financial assets that are on my watchlist and/or in my portfolio and, at the same time, would like to hear from your comments and opinions. With many mentioning that a rate cut may happen, probably within the next 12 months, my plan would be to invest in the following: High-yield bonds Crypto REITs Small-cap stocks Let me go through eac...
EZ_money : 彩信将通过降息和秋季修正来提振市场。更多的财富转移即将到来
Mars Mooo 楼主 EZ_money : 是时候逢低买入了吗?
EZ_money Mars Mooo 楼主 : 生物科技和制药公司....新的流行病正在酝酿中。EBS和其他生物-疫苗制造商已经处于高度紧张状态
Mars Mooo 楼主 EZ_money : 猴痘,对吧?还有其他的吗?
EZ_money Mars Mooo 楼主 : 禽流感现在显然也在传播给人类。任你选。covid 是试运行。