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特斯拉首席執行官馬斯克正在制定“史詩”總體規劃4。期待大量的機器人。-- Barrons.com

特斯拉首席執行官馬斯克正在制定“史詩”總體規劃4。期待大量的機器人。-- Barrons.com
特斯拉首席執行官馬斯克正在制定“史詩”總體規劃4。期待大量的機器人。-- Barrons.com
特斯拉首席執行官馬斯克正在制定“史詩”總體規劃4。期待大量的機器人。-- Barrons.com
特斯拉首席執行官馬斯克正在制定“史詩”總體規劃4。期待大量的機器人。-- Barrons.com
特斯拉首席執行官馬斯克正在制定“史詩”總體規劃4。期待大量的機器人。-- Barrons.com
特斯拉首席執行官馬斯克正在制定“史詩”總體規劃4。期待大量的機器人。-- Barrons.com
特斯拉首席執行官馬斯克正在制定“史詩”總體規劃4。期待大量的機器人。-- Barrons.com
特斯拉首席執行官馬斯克正在制定“史詩”總體規劃4。期待大量的機器人。-- Barrons.com
特斯拉首席執行官馬斯克正在制定“史詩”總體規劃4。期待大量的機器人。-- Barrons.com
Tesla CEO Musk Is Working On 'Epic' Master Plan 4. Expect Plenty of Robots. -- Barrons.com
特斯拉CEO馬斯克正在制定“史詩級”第四項大計劃。預計會有大量機器人。-- Barrons.com
Al Root
To his detractors, Tesla CEO Elon Musk overpromises and underdelivers. To his supporters, he is the key to generating trillions in shareholder value from not only all-electric cars, but from robots, robotaxis, and artificial intelligence computing.
The debate between the two factions is about to get a lot louder as Musk works on his "Master Plan 4," which promises to usher in an era of robotics that no one is expecting.
"Working on the Tesla Master Plan 4," Musk tweeted on June 17. "It will be epic."
Tesla only released Master Plan 3 in April 2023. Exactly when Master Plan 4 will be unveiled is anyone's guess. Tesla didn't respond to a request for comment about when it would be ready.
Musk is accelerating his planning process though. Master Plan 1 came out in 2006. It detailed Tesla's ambition to use the experience acquired by making a high-priced luxury all-electric car to produce an affordable all-electric car. Musk did it. The Model 3 came out in 2016. By automotive standards, it was a wild success.
儘管如此,馬斯克正在加速計劃進程。第一項計劃於2006年發佈,闡述了特斯拉利用製作高價位豪華全電動汽車獲得的經驗,生產廉價全電動汽車的雄心壯志。馬斯克做到了。Model 3於2016年問世,按照汽車標準,它是一個巨大的成功。
Master Plan 2, or Part Deux as Tesla named it, arrived in 2016. It detailed Tesla's plans to offer more models and started Tesla, and Tesla investors, down the path of autonomous driving.
第二項計劃於2016年發佈,名稱爲“Part Deux”,詳細介紹了特斯拉的計劃,並開始讓特斯拉和特斯拉的投資者走上自動駕駛之路。
Musk has done some of that. Tesla has expanded its product lineup. It's making semi-trucks. It started delivering the Cybertruck in 2023. A lower-priced Tesla model is due in 2025.
Fully self-driving Teslas aren't here yet, though. Tesla is hosting a Robotaxi Day on August 8. Investors will expect to see a robotaxi prototype and hear about artificial intelligence-trained software improvements.
Master Plan 3 arrived in 2023. It was about the opportunity in solar and battery storage to wean the world off fossil fuels. Electric cars, renewable power generation, and battery storage to save electricity for when the sun isn't shining and the wind isn't blowing have always been part of Musk's vision.
Plan 3 is partly done, too. Tesla deployed roughly 15 gigawatt hours of battery storage over the past year. That's enough electricity to power roughly 1,500 U.S. homes for a year.
"We expect Master Plan 4 to be underpinned by Tesla's commercial ambitions in A.I., robotics, hybrid-compute...that spans from cloud to edge," wrote Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Jonas in a recent report.
"Hybrid-compute" at the edge can refer to using computers in Teslas to do work, and earn money, while the cars aren't being driven.
Hybrid-compute is new for investors. Robots aren't. Tesla is building a humanoid robot called Optimus and Musk has said the robotics business could be bigger than the car business one day. That's an aspirational statement. There are no robots for sale just yet. They could be used in manufacturing operations or personal droids.
"Who doesn't want a C-3PO," said Musk at his company's annual shareholder meeting on June 13, referring to the humanoid droid from the Star Wars movie franchise.
When Master Plan 4 is released, Tesla will have three plans in various stages of completion. Detractors will question whether that's smart and if any of the remaining items will come to fruition. Acolytes will insist things will work out.
What working out means is Tesla re-achieving its trillion-dollar market valuation. Tesla first hit a $1 trillion market value in late 2021. Today, Tesla's market value is about $570 billion.
Coming into Tuesday's trading, Tesla stock was down about 27% so fa this year while the Nasdaq Composite was up about 17%. Slowing car sales have weighed on investor sentiment. Wall Street expects Tesla to deliver about 1.8 million cars in 2024, flat with 2023 volumes. At the start of the year, that projection was about 2.1 million.
Write to Al Root at allen.root@dowjones.com
請寫信給Al Root,地址爲allen.root@dowjones.com
This content was created by Barron's, which is operated by Dow Jones & Co. Barron's is published independently from Dow Jones Newswires and The Wall Street Journal.
此內容由Barron's創建,由Dow Jones & Co.運營。Barron's獨立於Dow Jones Newswires和華爾街日報發行。
Tesla delivery results are coming. this is the real number to watch, and it's worrying  特斯拉交付結果即將公佈。這是實際需要關注的數字,而且令人擔憂。
Tesla's second-quarter delivery results have the power to move the stock. In which direction depends, of course, on what the electric-vehicle maker reports and what investors expect.
Tesla typically reports quarterly deliveries on the second day of a new quarter. For the second quarter of 2024, the Wall Street consensus call compiled by FactSet is about 440,00o cars delivered, down from about 466,000 cars delivered in the second quarter of 2023.
The 440,00 figure is too high. Analysts don't always update numbers at the same rate. They can get stale. The most recent estimates are lower. That's a better guide for investors looking to see how the stock will react.
RBC analyst Tom Narayan took his second-quarter delivery estimate down to 410,000 from 433,000 on Tuesday. He looks at app downloads and registration data, among other things to come up with his number.
Narayan rates Tesla shares Buy and has a $227 price target for the stock. Guggenheim analyst Ronal Jewsikow rates them Sell. His price target is $126.
納拉揚給特斯拉股票評級爲買入,股票的目標價爲227美元。Guggenheim分析師Ronald Jewsikow給特斯拉股票評爲賣出,他的目標價格爲126美元。
Also on Tuesday, Jewsikow moved his estimate up to 419,000 from 409,000 cars.
Other recent updates have come from New Street Research's Pierre Ferragu, independent researcher Troy Teslike, and Barclays' Dan Levy. The average of their new numbers is about 419,000.
最近還有來自新街研究公司的Pierre Ferragu、獨立研究員Troy Teslike和巴克萊銀行的Dan Levy的更新。他們新的估計平均約爲419,000輛。
What all this means for investors is a number between 415,000 and 420,000 deliveries should be good enough to support the stock, no matter where the final consensus number lands.
Stock support in the short run is great, but a result in that range still implies a drop of more than 10% year over year. That would be the second consecutive year-over-year decline for Tesla.
The lack of growth in 2024 has weighed on Tesla's stock. Through Tuesday trading, shares were down about 25% so far this year while the Nasdaq Composite was up about 18%.
Wall Street expects sales to pick up later in the year and growth to resume in 2025, powered by more Cybertruck deliveries and a new lower-priced Tesla.
For 2024 Wall Street expects about 1.8 million cars sold, essentially flat with 2023. For 2025, the current consensus call is for 2.1 million cars sold.
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  • 102764470 : 200 以上籌碼這樣少嗎

  • Elias Chen 樓主 : 大量籌碼都是被套,處於浮虧狀態。拉升阻力很大,絕大多數人遠遠沒有解套。摩通和大摩確實厲害。他們現在華麗轉身變成Tesla的大多頭,只是現在Tesla基本面還沒有出現重大變化的苗頭之前,在相對技術高位,大機構是不太願意出資大力拉升的。絕大多數散戶等解套了,或者微利就會逃跑。等下一次看到跌不下去,最好又漲了,他們才又開始願意買進,他們稱之爲跟着趨勢走。週而復始。