

根據猶太傳統,一般大路的標準寬度是16肘,但通往逃城的道路必須寬兩倍(《他勒目 Talmud》Bava Batra 100b),並要修直、修平,在每個岔路口重複標上「逃城 מקלט מקלט」(《密西拿 Mishnah》Sefer HaChinukh 520:1)。兩個「逃城 מִקְלָט」的希伯來字母數值(Gematria Value)是179+179=358,這正是「彌賽亞 מָשִׁיחַ」的希伯來字母數值。
這些逃城都是利未人的城邑(民35:6),城內的長老和會衆都是專門教導聖經的利未人。誤殺人的要住在那城裏,只有等到神使那時的大祭司死了,才能離開逃城得自由。猶太傳統認爲,大祭司的母親會給住在逃城裏的避難者提供食物和衣服,這樣他們就不會禱告盼望大祭司早死,而會盼望大祭司長壽(《密西拿 Mishnah》Makkot 11a)。猶太傳統也指出,法庭必須提供避難者物質和屬靈的需要,如果一個門徒逃往逃城,他的導師也必須搬到逃城,對他繼續進行教導。
Einstein's escape from Germany was a major landmark event for the scientific community around the world. As we all know, Germany was the most scientifically advanced country in the world before. In 1933, the year when Einstein fled, there were only five people in the United States who had won the Nobel Prize in Natural Sciences, while Germany had 31 people who had won the Nobel Prize, six times that of the United States. 72 years after Einstein permanently gave up his German citizenship, Germany decided to name 2005 the "Year of Einstein" and engraved Einstein's political creed on the government building: "The state is established for man, not man for the state." Einstein was a great man, but I think his greatest achievement was not his discovery of the theory of relativity, but his high sensitivity to politics. On January 30, 1933, Hitler officially took office as German Chancellor and Germany entered the Nazi era. On the same day, Einstein and his wife Elsa successfully escaped from Germany and embarked on a journey to visit the United States. The Nazis' discrimination and persecution of Jews had already begun before Hitler seized supreme power, but the degree was far less severe than later. However, Einstein still saw the danger from some of the Nazis' daily behaviors. In a letter to a friend in 1931, Einstein expressed his desire to give up his German citizenship. "The dissolution of parliament, the collapse of the economy, the street fighting of the Nazis, the weakness of the Republicans, all these foreshadow the coming disaster." Before Hitler came to power, Einstein was considering leaving Germany permanently. As soon as Hitler came to power, he immediately began to systematically and organizedly eliminate the cultural influence of the Jews. On March 2, 1933, Einstein, as well as a group of artists and writers, were severely criticized by the Nazi party newspaper "National Observer". On March 10, 1933, Einstein gave a speech in the United States: "As long as I still have a choice, I only want to live in a country with political freedom, tolerance and equality before the law. Freedom of speech and freedom to express political opinions in writing are also part of political freedom, and respect for personal beliefs is part of tolerance. These conditions do not exist in Germany at present. There, especially those who promote international mutual understanding are being persecuted." In May 1933, Goebbels, who was in charge of propaganda, instigated the "book burning" in Germany (burning politically incorrect books). The poet Heinrich Heine once prophetically believed that there was only one step from burning books to burning people. Einstein, who was far away in the United States, refused the German ambassador's order to return to Germany, but took a boat back to Europe. On May 26, he arrived at the German Embassy in Brussels, returned his passport, and announced that he would give up his German nationality. From this moment on, Einstein broke off relations with Germany forever. Another person who had a clear understanding of the Nazis like Einstein was the German philosopher Cassirer. In the spring of 1933, soon after Hitler became the German Chancellor, Cassirer saw through the nature of the Nazis. He had no doubt that the Nazis would do anything crazy. The goal of the Nazi Party was to exterminate all the Jews, and this goal had never changed. Cassirer privately told his wife: "People like us have nothing to pursue and nothing to look forward to in Germany." He also said: "I guess this regime will last for ten years, but the evil it arouses may last for one hundred and fifty years." On May 2, 1933, four months after Hitler became the German Chancellor, Cassirer resigned as the president of Hamburg University and fled Germany in time. He first lectured at Oxford University in the UK, and then went to Sweden and the United States to teach. He died in New York in 1945. When the news of Goebbels' book burning reached another great thinker, Freud (Freud's books were also among those burned), Freud, who lived in Vienna, said naively: "They have made much progress! In the Middle Ages, they would have burned me, but now they are satisfied with just burning my books." At this time, Freud believed that the Nazis would only burn books, not people. At least, as an Austrian citizen, Freud thought he was safe. But Freud's innocence was soon shattered. On March 11, 1938, the German army invaded Austria. A friend finally convinced Freud with the story of the second mate on the Titanic. Freud finally made up his mind to immigrate to the UK with his family, but at this time, there were already many difficulties. Fortunately, the international community expressed strong concern for Freud's personal safety. According to President Roosevelt's instructions, a car from the US embassy was parked near Freud's residence day and night. Once Freud's life was threatened, the car would intervene and save him in the name of the United States. Under international pressure, Nazi Germany agreed to allow Freud to leave the country, but he had to pay more than 30,000 marks of "imperial escape tax". On June 4, Freud and his family left Vienna by train and settled in London, England. The number of Jews who fled early, such as Einstein, Cassirer, and Freud, was relatively small. A large number of Jews who did not flee died in the Nazi Holocaust. Among them, many people could have fled in the early days of Nazi rule. The most important reason why they did not flee and eventually died in the Holocaust was, first, their love for Germany and second, their misunderstanding of the Nazis. They were unwilling to believe that Germany would eventually have no place for them. For example, Fritz Haber, the Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, was a Jewish scientist who once devoted himself to Germany and thought he was noble. After the Nazis came to power, Haber was expelled from the country, so he suffered a great mental blow and died the following year (1934). Einstein and Cassirer fled first, taking their families with them, and everything was fine; Freud fled too late, leaving behind a large fortune and suffering all kinds of hardships, but he finally escaped; the rest of them only thought of escaping after the Holocaust began, and they were completely unable to escape. History tells us that in any era, the fate of those who see the essence in one second and those who spend half their lives unable to see clearly will naturally be very different.
愛因斯坦的逃離德國對全世界的科學界來講是一個重大標誌性事件,大家知道,之前德國是全世界科學最發達的國家,在1933年,也就是愛因斯坦逃離的那一年,美國總共才有五個人獲得過諾貝爾獎的自然科學獎,而德國這時候已經有三十一個人得過諾貝爾獎了,是美國的六倍。愛因斯坦永久放棄德國國籍72年後,德國決定將2005年命名爲「愛因斯坦年」,將愛因斯坦的政治信條刻在政府大樓上:「國家是爲人而設立的,而人不是爲國家而生存。」愛因斯坦是個大牛人,但我認爲他最牛的地方不是發現了相對論,而是他對政治的高度敏感。1933年1月30日,希特勒正式就任德國總理,德國進入納粹時代。就在同一天,愛因斯坦攜妻子愛爾莎一道,成功逃離德國,踏上了去美國訪問的旅途。納粹對猶太人的歧視、迫害,早在希特勒攫取最高權力前就已經開始了,只是程度遠沒有後來那麼嚴重,但愛因斯坦還是從一些納粹的日常表現中看到了危險。1931年,在一封寫給朋友的信中,愛因斯坦表明了自己想要放棄德國國籍的想法。「議會的解散,經濟的崩潰,納粹分子的巷戰,共和黨的軟弱,所有這些預示着將要到來的災難。」在希特勒還沒有執掌政權時,愛因斯坦就在考慮永久地離開德國了。希特勒一上臺,便立即開始有計劃有組織地清除猶太人的文化影響。1933年3月2日,愛因斯坦,還有一批藝術家和作家,遭到了納粹黨報《民族觀察者》的猛烈抨擊。1933年3月10日,愛因斯坦在美國發表講話:「只要我還能有所選擇,我只願意生活在一個政治自由、寬容且在法律面前人人平等的國家裏。言論自由和書面發表政治意見的自由也是政治自由中的一個部分,尊重個人信仰是寬容的一部分。這些條件目前在德國都不存在。在那裏,特別是那些以促進國際間相互理解爲事業的人正慘遭迫害。」1933年5月,負責宣傳的戈培爾煽動了德國國內的「焚書行動」(焚燒政治上不正確的圖書)。詩人海因裏希·海涅曾經預言性地認爲,從焚書到燒人僅有一步之遙。遠在美國的愛因斯坦拒絕了德國大使讓他返回德國的命令,而是乘船返回歐洲,於5月26日到達布魯塞爾的德國公使館,交還護照,宣佈放棄德國國籍。從這一刻起,愛因斯坦永遠地與德國斷絕了關係。與愛因斯坦同樣對納粹有清醒認識的人還有德國的哲學家卡西勒。1933年春天,希特勒當上德國總理不久,卡西勒就洞察了納粹的本質,他毫不懷疑納粹會做出任何瘋狂的舉動。將猶太人趕盡殺絕,是納粹黨的目標,這一目標也從來沒有改變過。卡西勒私下對妻子說:「我們這種人在德國沒有什麼可追求,也沒有什麼可期盼的了。」又說:「我猜想這個政權將持續十年,但是它激起的邪惡可能持續一百五十年。」1933年5月2日,希特勒當上德國總理後的第四個月,卡西勒辭去漢堡大學校長職務,及時逃離了德國,他先是在英國牛津大學講學,後又去了瑞典和美國授課,1945年在紐約逝世。當戈培爾焚書的消息傳到另一位思想巨匠弗洛伊德耳裏的時候(弗洛伊德的書也在焚燬之列),生活在維也納的弗洛伊德頗爲天真地說:「他們進步多了!要在中世紀,他們燒掉的就是我了,如今他們只燒我的書就感到滿意了。」此時的弗洛伊德認爲納粹只會焚書,不會燒人。至少,作爲奧地利公民,弗洛伊德認爲自身是安全的。但弗洛伊德的天真很快就碎了一地。1938年3月11日,德軍侵入奧地利。朋友最終用「泰坦尼克號」上二副的故事說服了弗洛伊德。弗洛伊德終於下定決心帶全家移民英國,但此時已經困難重重了。萬幸的是,國際社會對弗洛伊德個人的安危表達了強烈的關注。按照總統羅斯福的指示,一輛美國使館的汽車日夜停在弗洛伊德住所附近。一旦弗洛伊德的生命受到威脅,這輛汽車就以美國的名義進行干預、拯救。迫於國際壓力,納粹德國同意弗洛伊德出境,但是必須繳納超過3萬馬克的「帝國逃亡稅」。 6月4日,弗洛伊德和他的家人乘火車離開了維也納,定居於英國倫敦。像愛因斯坦、卡西勒、弗洛伊德這樣及早逃離了的猶太人,相對數字是很小的,有大量沒有逃離的猶太人死於納粹的大屠殺中。這其中,有很多人本來是完全可能在納粹統治的早期逃離的。而他們之所以沒有逃離,最終在大屠殺中喪生,最重要的原因,一是對於德國的熱愛,一是對於納粹的錯誤認知。他們不願意相信德國最終沒有他們的容身之地。例如諾貝爾化學獎得主弗裏茨﹒哈伯便是一位曾經把自己全身心奉獻給德國,並且自以爲崇高的猶太科學家。在納粹上臺後,哈伯被驅逐出境,因此精神大受打擊,第二年(1934年)便去世了。愛因斯坦和卡西勒先跑了,攜全家一起,風清雲淡;弗洛伊德跑晚了,扔掉一大筆財富,還飽受各種刁難,但總算是跑了;剩下的那些在大屠殺開始後才想起要跑的,則完全跑不了了。歷史告訴我們:在任何時代,在一秒鐘內看到本質的人,和花半輩子看不清的人,命運自然是大不一樣。
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