世道變了,換了人間,今非昔比:Wall Street大機構的值班Traders已經在搶籌碼,多逼空—盤前股價裂口高開,波瀾壯闊,勢不可擋。
3.James Dimon(詹姆斯·戴蒙)代表名聲顯赫、實力非凡的JP Morgan(摩通)和Morgan Stanley(大摩)已經宣佈與Elon Musk、Tesla捐棄前嫌,意味着昭告天下(可悲的是很多烏合之衆連James Dimon是誰都不知道,更別說去思考摩通和大摩的行爲所代表的內涵,天天開口閉口狗莊。摩通大摩遠比高盛,更比Citadel堡壘善良多了,人家至少還說說自己的觀點。高盛狡猾,堡壘兇狠都是出了名的。):
1.摩通和大摩是有實力藉助市場力量與Wall Street的三大定海神針,即The Vanguard Group(先鋒領航集團),BlackRock Inc(貝萊德集團),State Street Global Advisors(道富環球投資顧問公司)分庭抗禮的,大機構也並非鐵板一塊,彼此之間也是拉幫結派,互相廝殺,並且可以讓被狙擊者很難受,Tesla跌勢時間之久令人窒息。它們利用電動車市場疲軟和Tesla銷售盈利滑坡,持續看跌賣空Tesla。君不見Tesla股價最大跌幅超過60%,摩通和大摩“功不可沒”。這也正好說明Tesla處於轉型AI的蛻變期,當前股價處於新的戰略投資期的歷史低位。沒有永恒的朋友,只有永恒的利益。摩通和大摩已經完成了對Tesla個股熊市跌市的跌勢的快速套戥的使命。
2. 爲了共同的利益,摩通和大摩已經與Elon Musk 領銜的Tesla捐棄前嫌,進行戰略性聯盟,攜手共進。因爲性格、志趣、境遇相同的人互相愛護、同情、支持—心心相惜。摩通和大摩都已經完成了平掉所有Tesla的空頭部位,開始華麗轉身,力挺Tesla和Elon Musk。Elon終究是一個了不起的偉人,Tesla終究是一個前景無量的上市公司。所有看跌賣空Tesla的投機行爲該結束了,否則嚴重後果全部自負。烏合之衆,庸人難道還要看跌賣空Tesla嗎?有眼當看;有耳當聽。麻木不仁,自取其辱,自取滅亡。
就Tesla的關於Elon Musk的薪酬投票表決這件事情而言,沒有懸念。只有一種結果:Elon Musk的薪酬再次獲得批准通過,股價經過短距式下蹲,向下蹲距金額大約爲$6.85–$11.35之間,股價將分三個階段和步驟來上行。
Tesla比Nvidia更具有後發優勢,後來者居上這是歷史規律: 往往在一項新技術發展的初期,硬件提供商是最大的獲利者。例如早期的硬件供應商的英特爾Intel和思科Cisco的盈利隨後被在這些硬件上運行的軟件提供商微軟Microsoft和甲骨文Oracle所擊敗。現在的英偉達Nvidia目前成爲AI產業的最大受益者,但隨後它的盈利一定會被在此硬件上運行的軟件提供商Tesla所擊敗。人工智慧最終是體現在軟件上的,大腦運行的結果產生智慧。所以,未來的Tesla一定會比Nvidia更有美好的前景。何況當下的Nvidia處於股價的歷史高位,而Tesla則處於股價的歷史低谷。Nvidia是AI的重要的核心節點,Tesla是完整的產業鏈,Tesla背後的很多項目甚至屬於未來20-50年更高階的The Quantum Technology Revolution的範疇。
Elon Musk本人就是美國工程院的天才級院士,物理學領域的科學家,應用軟件架構工程師,動手能力極強,眼光銳利獨到。偏偏我們的烏合之衆看不到這些,只看到人家的複雜異性關係,吸食特殊物質,然後給人貼上刻板印象的標籤,說人家就靠畫大餅,吹大牛騙錢。Elon Musk需要騙錢嗎?他有9家公司,目前只有Tesla一家上市,這才是其中技術含量最低的公司。他完全可以把那些公司上市,世界前十名超級富豪身價疊加起來都未必能超過Elon Musk。
烏合之衆自己在美國股市虧錢豈能怪罪Elon Musk?Wall Street跑短線的大都是比較窮的機構和個人,跑短線需要高深應用數學和敏銳的觀察力以及與生俱來的盤感,大多數人沒有這樣的背景,硬幹蠻幹輸錢的概率很大。最關鍵的是比較折壽和短命,那真是賣命,根本沒有可持續性。
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DAILY DEVOTIONAL – June 13, 2024
Proclaiming the Victory
By David Wilkerson
What does God expect of us once we are sprinkled with the blood of Jesus? Are we obligated in any way by this sprinkling? Yes, we certainly are!
If we have been sprinkled with Jesus’s blood, we are first commanded to go in peace and not doubt anymore. When Moses sprinkled blood on the sinning Israelites, they never once doubted that they were pardoned and accepted by God. They trusted in that sprinkling.
Today, the blood sprinkled on us is not that of bulls, goats, or sheep but of Christ, the Lamb of God. Yet we have more doubt, more fear than those Israelites.
Martin Luther said it is blasphemy to take back to ourselves all the sins that were laid on Christ, and I agree with him. It is absolute sacrilege to go about in fear, guilt and condemnation. We are not to say, “The Bible says that by faith I am cleansed, justified, and protected from Satan’s power, yet I cannot believe such a glorious thing is possible.”
Secondly, we are to praise God with a thankful heart, never doubting. We are commanded to thank God for the precious blood of Jesus with high praises.
• “We also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation” (Romans 5:11, NKJV).
• “Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous; And shout for joy, all you upright in heart!” (Psalm 32:11).
• “Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound!” (Psalm 89:15).
• “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness” (Isaiah 61:10).
Proclaim the victory of Jesus’s blood in your life and begin praising him now for the promise of that great day of redemption to come.
Proclaiming the Victory
By David Wilkerson
What does God expect of us once we are sprinkled with the blood of Jesus? Are we obligated in any way by this sprinkling? Yes, we certainly are!
If we have been sprinkled with Jesus’s blood, we are first commanded to go in peace and not doubt anymore. When Moses sprinkled blood on the sinning Israelites, they never once doubted that they were pardoned and accepted by God. They trusted in that sprinkling.
Today, the blood sprinkled on us is not that of bulls, goats, or sheep but of Christ, the Lamb of God. Yet we have more doubt, more fear than those Israelites.
Martin Luther said it is blasphemy to take back to ourselves all the sins that were laid on Christ, and I agree with him. It is absolute sacrilege to go about in fear, guilt and condemnation. We are not to say, “The Bible says that by faith I am cleansed, justified, and protected from Satan’s power, yet I cannot believe such a glorious thing is possible.”
Secondly, we are to praise God with a thankful heart, never doubting. We are commanded to thank God for the precious blood of Jesus with high praises.
• “We also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation” (Romans 5:11, NKJV).
• “Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous; And shout for joy, all you upright in heart!” (Psalm 32:11).
• “Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound!” (Psalm 89:15).
• “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness” (Isaiah 61:10).
Proclaim the victory of Jesus’s blood in your life and begin praising him now for the promise of that great day of redemption to come.
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