蘋果汽車即將到來,據報導是一款 全自動電動汽車 預計將於 估計上市。 2025.
$蘋果 (AAPL.US)$ 之前一直被困於選擇兩條不同的發展路徑: 更傳統的蘋果概念板塊 配備一些增強的駕駛輔助功能,類似於許多現有的車輛,或者 更複雜的蘋果概念板塊 能夠實現真正的無人駕駛,乘客無需進行任何操作。
Now it seems that they have decided to go the latter route. Apple is looking to create a fully autonomous vehicle with no pedals or steering.
Apple is exploring using a more futuristic car design with more open-concept seating, along with large "iPad-like" displays for hosting the car's infotainment. Not including a steering wheel is apparently still up for discussion, with Apple also considering equipping the car with some sort of emergency takeover mode.
Are you excited about the news? When do you think it will be shown to the public?
$蘋果 (AAPL.US)$ 之前一直被困於選擇兩條不同的發展路徑: 更傳統的蘋果概念板塊 配備一些增強的駕駛輔助功能,類似於許多現有的車輛,或者 更複雜的蘋果概念板塊 能夠實現真正的無人駕駛,乘客無需進行任何操作。
Now it seems that they have decided to go the latter route. Apple is looking to create a fully autonomous vehicle with no pedals or steering.
Apple is exploring using a more futuristic car design with more open-concept seating, along with large "iPad-like" displays for hosting the car's infotainment. Not including a steering wheel is apparently still up for discussion, with Apple also considering equipping the car with some sort of emergency takeover mode.
Are you excited about the news? When do you think it will be shown to the public?