$海庭 (S51.SG)$ Stock code Y5VR is represents Rights (Sembcorp Marine).
Y5VR is tradeable, which customers can buy/ sell in the market during trading period (31/8 – 8/9). Rights purchase from market will subject to commissions/ fees.
Customers who entitled the rights can sell to the market if they do not wish to exercise the rights. In the other hand, customer who are not entitled for the rights can buy from the market.
Please be reminded that rights will lapse with no value if they are not exercised or sold.
If you wish to exercise the rights ( the originally entitlement/ purchase from the market), please send us your instruction by 8/9/2021.
Default option ( No action) will apply if we do not receive instruction from you. ...
Y5VR is tradeable, which customers can buy/ sell in the market during trading period (31/8 – 8/9). Rights purchase from market will subject to commissions/ fees.
Customers who entitled the rights can sell to the market if they do not wish to exercise the rights. In the other hand, customer who are not entitled for the rights can buy from the market.
Please be reminded that rights will lapse with no value if they are not exercised or sold.
If you wish to exercise the rights ( the originally entitlement/ purchase from the market), please send us your instruction by 8/9/2021.
Default option ( No action) will apply if we do not receive instruction from you. ...
$SembMarine R (Y5VR.SG)$ 這支Y5VR股票是否具有股權?9月8日後是否會自動轉換為主要股票?還是如果我們想將其轉換為主要股票,之後需要支付這些股票的費用?
$海庭 (S51.SG)$ 看來我們不一定需要以8分鐘的權利來買入這股份🤣🤣
$海庭 (S51.SG)$ really bro🙄🙄🤣🤣
$海庭 (S51.SG)$ 我們將如何以及何時能夠訂閱權利 @8 cent。
abiremo2006 樓主 : 如果您是現有股東,如果您被分配或給予或提供 5000 股權,以 0.80 美分購買 S51 新股,如果您不打算再購買 S51(Sembcorp Marine)新股票,它們將在 9 月 8 日後在市場發布更多股票以上漲,最終將降低現有股價為 0.85 美分(僅僅是預測)。所以在您不得不購買 5000 股權的股票或者直接從開放市場購買他們的股票沒有太大區別,這也是約 .085 美分(只是我的看法),9 月 8 日後可能會下跌,因為他們將在市場上發布或開放更多的 $S51 股票,從技術上創造了更多的股票供應,最終將價格跌破 0.8 分以下。所以我做的是賣出我的權利並賺取一些錢,最終如果我需要更多的 S51 股票,我會使用這筆錢如果價格下跌,則從 9 月 8 日後直接從開放市場購買。如果不滿意我現有的股票也很滿意。
abiremo2006 樓主 : 希望這能夠澄清並給你一個想法,這些權利都是關於這些。但請注意,我不是財務顧問,這個澄清是給你,因為你只要求教育目的。所有決定是你購買或銷售股票或者自行承擔風險。