一般美國人沒有足夠的儲蓄來應付意外開支,這不應該成為常態。這並不完全是因為大多數人都不能,事實上很多人只是不願意。如果你買得起名牌任何東西,就能夠存點錢。做指甲?閃亮的汽車?華麗的衣服?新玩具?但卻沒為雨天做好計劃?沒有儲備?那麼這個問題就只能歸咎於你自己了!放下星巴克,換上福爾澤咖啡吧!🤣 ...
Most of the Big Techs with lackluster or average earnings will still be Big Tech next next year and next decade. Fear in the market = opportunity for those who control emotional investing. Fear = bargain prices. Take advantage! Also, a lot of these low or negative YoY statistics are comparing now to COVID peak era stats..so for example SNAP is down vs last year yeah,but everybody was on lockdown..of course it's going to be difficult to repeat those numbers, especially with Apple's update making ...