聖誕moo,請賜予我們所有板塊豐富的~獎勵積分~,以及各種新項目和經常更新的任務分配,這些都可以反复利用來增加積分餘額,一點一滴地,即使這些重複的活動 - 就像舊的期權交易和訪問獎勵中心那樣 - 只值5分,也比0好...; 而且(我們在這裡都非常了解!)時間一久,即使是那些極微小/增量的一點一滴...
I was unable to begin investing as early on as I should've or would've liked to optimally, so I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna have much of a choice in the matter and will be working til I physically no longer am able to. Just unfortunately sort of the state of the U.S. sucked badly, as I'd graduated college in the recession (circa 2008) and like many others felt the heavy & brutal impacts of sudden layoffs & unemployment through no fault of my own. Between that and the way our federal So...