
KING of TRADE 男 ID: 70145010
    $AMC院線 (AMC.US)$ We should all just make our stock brokers mail us physical copies of our stock certificates. They have to send them to you if you ask ! Then we can FINALLY END THIS BULLSHIT.
    $AMC院線 (AMC.US)$ They can't RIG this election coming up without being too obvious. They can't keep telling people that the economy is good. They can't even give a 5 minute interview or public speech that makes any sense without trying to joke and shame their way out of it. This shit is so obvious that at this point the people who ready to get violent with me back in 2020 when I was trying to warn them are apologizing and some are even buying AMC. I'm just ...
    $AMC院線 (AMC.US)$ We just need that first one to fall.
    $AMC院線 (AMC.US)$  Why don't they just give up and get a head start out of the country before everybody hunts them down after the collapse happens ? I mean the jig is up ! Everybody knows something crooked is going on in the White House at this point and the news has just become nothing but a sitcom at this point. They don't know EXACTLY what's going on ! But the average person has figured out something is wrong at this point. WHY ARE THEY STILL FIGHTING THIS ? Anybody who h...
    $AMC院線 (AMC.US)$ They know we aren't selling and they know Trump will be back in office soon. They can't RIG this election without being even MORE obvious than last time. They only have their ARMY of immigrants left at their disposal. They have made it to where NOBODY wants to join the military and police and NOW they have an excuse to ARM the immigrants by offering these positions to them. And at the same time make it hard for us to own weapons. If you think this is a coincid...
    $AMC院線 (AMC.US)$ Yo! I got a call today from someone saying they were with The Cleveland Ohio FBI office. And they wanted to meet me at a Starbucks or anywhere else I would like and they just wanted to "TALK" to me ( WOULD HAVE BEEN MY LAST "CONVERSATION"). I'm assuming it's because of the VIOLENT comments I make on here ( OR THE TRUTH I SPEAK ABOUT THE ECONOMY). But here's the thing ! I always say violence SHOULD happen and I always say SOMEONE SHOULD DO S...
    $AMC院線 (AMC.US)$  We all know you RIGGED the election to get Biden's crypt keeper ass in office. Then he hand picked Ginsler's punk ass to tap dance around with EXCUSES as to why he CAN'T do his job to help retail investors. And you got rid of Trump because he wouldn't go along with spending all OUR money outside the country ( AS A MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME). Then you had your EMPLOYEES stage "January 6" ( A WEAK EXCUSE FOR AN " INSURRECTION" WITH NO WEA...
    $AMC院線 (AMC.US)$  If these people are so " SMART" then why do they keep investing time and MORE money into money that NO LONGER BELONGS TO THEM ? Why don't they just take the loss and use their future time and energy and illegal ways to rebuild their wealth and move on in life. And they are also fucking up the economy to the point where it is going to actually be harder for them to rebuild their wealth in the future. This just makes ZERO sense at this point...
    $AMC院線 (AMC.US)$在這一點上,我認為HFs和SSers只是寫這些關於AMC的負面文章,用來騙自己,給他們希望多一天。我不明白為什麼到現在還這樣!他們應該利用這段時間準備脫離不再屬於他們的金錢。這越久!我們就越深入挖掘,找到更多的腐敗。當這開始時!我準備以約500美元的價格賣出。但是現在!根據我所發現的!股價至少不會低於2.5萬美元。他們只是讓情況變得更糟。如果他們在應該的時候放手!至少他們將開始重建他們的財富(我確定是非法的)。但至少他們會走出困境。AMC幾乎讓每家電影發行商倒閉。一切完蛋了!
    $AMC院線 (AMC.US)$ 當我和我哥哥 4 歲和 5 歲時,他來拜訪我們時,我們會從祖父那裡收到一張五美元的紙幣。有一次他只有一張五美元紙幣和五張單曲。他給了我五個單曲,我 4 歲的兄弟單張單張。我 4 歲的兄弟當他想 "我的錢比他多" 時變成驅魔員的女孩。我不敢相信 30 歲以上的人仍然這麼想...