
NewPower 保密 ID: 102340496
    $阿里巴巴(BABA.US)$ When the investment in Alibaba was brought up; in response, Munger noted that investment in Alibaba was “one of the worst mistakes I ever made.” He adds, “I never stopped to think [Alibaba] was still a retailer. It’s going to be a competitive business.”
    我在新加坡總是感到驚訝,有許多聰明的股票大師,我非常尊重並經常關注他們,但在中國股票尤其是 $阿里巴巴(BABA.US)$ 時,他們變得非常樂觀。他們的主要原因總是因為阿里巴巴擁有非常強大且有利可圖的業務,而當前的監管制措施只會使阿里巴巴更強大。然而,實際上自去年以來,Ant IPO 可以...
    I posted the comment below almost a year ago and got lots of criticism. Today after almost a year passed by, Alibaba is still on LONG TERM DOWNTREND!!! I said and sold all my Alibaba holding after the cancellation of ANT IPO in the year 2020.
    Long Term Downtrend for Alibaba
    It is very puzzling for such a long time (since last year cancellation of Ant listing and especially so after common prosperity) for me to see so many stock experts became overly optimistic (when...
    Many CEO/investors succeeded in making a fortune by having wealth philosophy which see money as a tool to build wealth. He/She has good money habits for savings and invest prudently. In short save wisely and invest prudently. Personally I believed the best investment opportunity in the near future is in good technology stocks because the world is entering the new era with increasing competition in the areas of Metaverse, Virtual Reality and 5G etc. Last but not least, m...
    Despite the recent optimism about the end of the war, I believed the worse is not over yet. I hope I am wrong and the war will end soon. In the current market uncertainty (despite signs of market turn around), I am adopting wait and see attitude. I did buy a little bit of Tesla during the market dip recently but planning to buy more if market drops again. My current strategy is buy and hold with DCA cautiously.
    科技巨頭的股票分割對投資者來說非常積極,因為它將改善價格升值的前景。因此,我一定會更喜歡在市場調整期間購買一些。我也更喜歡購買 FAAMG 股票,尤其是在當前的市場調整期間,因為這些科技巨頭在市場波動期間,這些科技巨頭將為我提供信心和安靜的睡眠。在這段艱難時期,持力很重要,我也會謹慎地 DCA。
    My strategy is buy and hold even after I bought the stock price drop and turned out I bought high. I will only buy the stock   if I fully confident the stock has future prospects and thus even I bought high I convinced the price will eventually go up. I will only sell when the reasons for me to buy the stock disappeared. For speculation purposes, I will only play small and set the profit target and cut loss point and execute the plan with discipline. In this respect I will sell when ...
    由於我的投資組合只有 3 股( $蘋果(AAPL.US)$, $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ $台積電(TSM.US)$)因此沒有什麼與頂級機構太相似。如果真的需要選擇一個,也許是黑石,因為我的 3 個股票都在他們的最大持股。我不相信頂級機構會繼續擊敗市場,尤其是在目前下跌的市場中。我堅信,買入和持有策略比頂級公司採用的積極選股票更優越。
    在 2020 年 3 月股市因跌勢而暴跌之後,股市強勁復甦,頭階段的牛市(帶綠色的輕鬆貨幣)以前所未有的 QE 和接近零利率,利率接近零。我們目前處於牛市的第二階段(最波動和波動的階段,大幅上升和下跌的階段),預期的收窄隨著利率上漲。因此,我預計明年 2022 年美國股市 $標普500指數(.SPX.US)$ 會以平坦或輕微增加結束。第二階段對交易者有好處(需要波動才能獲得利潤)。然而,對於長期投資者來說,該展會僅在牛市的第三階段和最後一階段(繁榮階段)進行。對於外面所有交易者來說,祝您 2022 年一切順利。
    該標題總結了我的得知為我作為短期交易員的失敗經驗。交易的三個主要組成部分:方法,資金管理和心理學,前兩個大多數人包括我在內的大多數人在學習和掌握都沒有問題。每個大師都有不同的方法(主要是入口點,減損點和基於技術指標的獲利,很多人在互聯網和在 Moomoo 這裡分享他們的方法)和資金管理(主要是風險獎勵分配),但心理學是可以學習的,但很難執行。例如,我根據我的規則減少虧損,但股價反彈並不久之後急劇上漲。下次它達到我的減損點時,我猶豫,只在交易中遭受大損失時才削減損失。最後,我得出結論,對我來說,中長期投資不僅更合適和放鬆,而且實際上更有利可圖。對於所有成功的短期交易者,我最尊重。最後但並非最不重要的一點是,我相信在新聞上傳聞中買賣(經過多次證實)。祝福!