
.DJUSEN 道琼斯美国石油和天然气指数

  • 717.420
  • +8.870+1.25%
收盤價 09/16 16:00 (美東)
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    $道琼斯美国石油和天然气指数 (.DJUSEN.US)$ 有人在交易嗎?它是否與WTI的走勢相關?
    $道琼斯美国石油和天然气指数 (.DJUSEN.US)$ The Covid-19 pandemic has marked the end of an era for Southeast Asia's combined oil and gas production, pushing the region's output in 2021 to below 5 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) for the first time since 1998, a threshold that is not likely to be exceeded again in the future despite new project start-ups in coming years, a Rystad Energy analysis shows.
    Daily average hydrocarbon production tumbled to 4.86 million boepd in 2021, down from 5.06 million boepd in 2020, and a massive 12% drop compared to the pre-pandemic volumes of 5.5 million boepd in 2019, Rystad Energy data shows.
    Operators have struggled to regain production losses triggered by the pandemic as operators slowed down activity levels amid an unprecedented disruption in oil markets. The decline is projected to continue into the middle of the decade. Although volumes will remain stable in 2022, production will drop an additional 10% by 2025 to around 4.3 million boepd versus current levels.
    By contrast, natural gas production in the region stayed steady between 2009 and 2019, at around 20.8 billion cubic feet per day (Bcfd). Despite expectations of a rise in gas sales volume that would counter the 8% fall in production in 2020, volumes are expected to be down around 2% this year compared to 2020, at about 19 Bcfd. This is primarily due to falling production at mature legacy projects including Mahakam, MLNG Dua and MLNG Satu PSCs, Yetagun.
    Southeast Asia's Oil And Gas Output May Never Recover To Pre-COVID Levels
    $道琼斯美国石油和天然气指数 (.DJUSEN.US)$ 疫情爆發中斷了國家和地區之間的通信。自從進入現代社會以來,全球勞動分工是將全球經濟提升到更高水平的重要手段。在能源資源便宜的地方,它會出口更多的能源。哪個國家人口勞動成本低,就是他更負責進口加工再出口。哪個國家有更多的技術研發,那麼他負責出口更多的技術。全球勞動分工就像一條生產線。它是相互連的。如果有一個連接出錯誤,上游和下游都被迫停止。當生產線的動態平衡損壞時,容易出現問題。