○雲上突破股票一覽市場 代碼 股票名稱 收盤價 領先跨度A 領先跨度B東證主板 <1379> 霍克託 1786 1759.5 1783<1515>日鐵礦448043654355<1662>石油資源112611201117.5<1720>東急施工720692.25708.5<1721>康美系統HD32253211.53194.5<
伊藤忠Enex:半年度報告-第 65 學期 (2024/04/01-2025/03/31)
伊藤忠Enex:截至2025/3財年第二季度(中期)財務業績摘要 [IFRS](合併)
●賣出轉換股票一覽市場 代碼 銘板名 終值 SAR東證主板 <1808> 長谷工 1899 1939 <1885> 東亞建 1010 1032 <1951> エクシオG 1556 1605 <1952> 新日空調 3445 3750 <2154> オープンUP 1970 2075 <2212> 山崎パン 2718 2940 <2270> 雪印メグ 2625 2769 <289
KHC、日本觸媒等 [5%規則]
<1451>KHC First Construction Co., Ltd. reduced its shareholding ratio of stock type to 91.80%, reporting obligation effective date October 9, 2024<4114>Japan Catalyst Co., Ltd. reduced its shareholding ratio of Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. stocks from 5.68% to 4.68%, reporting obligation effective date October 15, 2024<5395>Riken Corundum Co., Ltd. Okamoto reduced its shareholding ratio from 89.64% to 97.81%, reporting obligation effective date 2024/10