$Archer Aviation (ACHR.US)$$Joby Aviation (JOBY.US)$$Vuzix (VUZI.US)$Folks, some of you as I, have been thinking that in addition to progress financially for all of these companies they also have had some of the Trump effect. I also have began to realize over time that these three companies are also to the Elan Musk affect or let's call it the Musk effect. These three companies now along with Tesla are related in that they are at the forefront for autonomous vehicles in general which incorporate...
Archer Aviation股票討論
航空(紐交所:ACHR)已任命塔利卜·阿爾希奈(Dr. Talib Alhinai)爲阿聯酋首席,帶頭推出該地區的電動飛行出租車服務。阿爾希奈曾在阿布扎比行政局任職,同時還擔任阿聯酋航空監管機構GCAA的董事會成員。
這一任命支持阿徹的計劃 ...
1. 這些股票並不都會上漲。一切都取決於市場情緒/買入壓力,包括惡魔空頭和黑暗池。
2. SI CTb和空頭庫存基於11/29數據,可能在週一進行更新。
3. 永遠不要在沒有動力的情況下開倉。
4. 如果你期待所有股票都會開多,那麼你註定會失敗、虧損和持有空倉。並不是所有好消息都會推動股價上漲,也不會...