$メタ マテリアルズ (MMAT.US)$ダンは今日さらに99を購入し、アフターマーケットで4.68に下落した場合には、また50を購入するつもりです。これは80年代初頭のクレイジーエディ電子倉庫のコマーシャルを思い出させます。「クレイジーエディの価格は非常に安く、彼は実質的にすべてを与えている。クレイジーエディの価格は非常に安く、それは狂気の沙汰です!」
$メタ マテリアルズ (MMAT.US)$ 本当に5.00ドルまで下がることを願っています。40株の指値注文がありますが、余裕で使えるお金が200ドルしかありません。もし5ドルまで下がったら、さらに10株のAMCを売って80株を買います。100MMAt。お得な買い物をするのが大好きです。5ドルのMMAtは、セールの日に買い物をして1つ買うともう1つ無料のクーポンを手に入れたようなものです。それをお得と呼びます。
$メタ マテリアルズ (MMAT.US)$TRCHの優先株を手に入れた人いますか?2週間前には発行されるはずでした。また、MMAT株主の方は、MMAT株式と調整を受け取った方いますか?金曜日にされる予定でした。心配になり始めました。
$メタ マテリアルズ (MMAT.US)$40株の指値注文を6.25ドルに設定したので、引き続き下落することを願っています
$メタ マテリアルズ (MMAT.US)$ I am so fu<%ing tired of all tou people who came here because somebody on reddit who you dont know told you there would be a squeeze so yo came here late bought in high and now your crying and whining when will the shorts be forced to cover? wheres the squeeze? well let me tell you they wont be forced to cover and there wont be a squeeze. so you all bitch this stock sucks. this company’s going to be shorted out of existence wah wah wah. So sell at 7.5 so you lose 2.5 per share cuz you got in at 10 because of FOMO. please sell and leave then the price will go down and i can then buy more. You squeeze investors all lose your money because the hype drives up prices you get in high and dont get rich in a week so you sell at a loss. Meta material is a grossly under valued company institutions know this, look at all of them tha are long and they are laughing just waiting for all of you to panic so they can buy more on sale and so am i. in three years (barring a 2008 style market crash which very well may happen) this will be a hundred dollar stock in 3 years (and if there is a 2008 style market crash) history tells us small cap tech stocks will take the least beating, will be the first to rebound and have the fastest gains after rebounding. Please know what you own do some dam research and then either grab your balls and hold or cut your losses and leave but either way quit crying like babies, its getting...
$メタ マテリアルズ (MMAT.US)$ My friends i am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advise. i would ask you to consider a few things however, 1. is meta material a small oil and gas company on its last leg? 2. is meta material a movie theatre chain in an era of 4k big screen tv’s and surround sound and a million digital streaming services? 3. is meta material a brick and mortar video game store selling hard copies of games that will be outdated in a year? because those are the types of companies hedge funds look to shirt into extinction. and TRCH was one such company. meta material is a a young company with several patents and project partnerships that has first mover advantage in an emerging field. this is not the kind of comany hedge funds look to short.
Now if you came here because some idiot on reddit told you to and you thought you could get rich in a one week long short squeeze you were wrong. plus if thats why you came you also probably bought in high 10 or 11 dollars and are now pissed and panicking. to you i say this DONT. Adapt, change your strategy and hold, in fact as the price goes down buy more if you can. right now this company is in a very short term state of flux the merger isnt even 100% complete yet. MMATF holders havent even gotten their split and new stocks yet. many people havent gotten their TRCH prefered shares yet. let the dust settle shorts will get out. longs, including institutional longs,...
Now if you came here because some idiot on reddit told you to and you thought you could get rich in a one week long short squeeze you were wrong. plus if thats why you came you also probably bought in high 10 or 11 dollars and are now pissed and panicking. to you i say this DONT. Adapt, change your strategy and hold, in fact as the price goes down buy more if you can. right now this company is in a very short term state of flux the merger isnt even 100% complete yet. MMATF holders havent even gotten their split and new stocks yet. many people havent gotten their TRCH prefered shares yet. let the dust settle shorts will get out. longs, including institutional longs,...
$メタ マテリアルズ (MMAT.US)$TRCHの優先配当金を受け取った人はいますか? さらに重要なことに、誰もまだ受け取っていない人はいますか?
$メタ マテリアルズ (MMAT.US)$ boy MMATF is having pretty violent swings today as high as 16 as low as 11 and dancing up and down in between
$メタ マテリアルズ (MMAT.US)$ sold 10 AMC to buy 74 more MMAT. if AMC HITS 60 im selling 5 more to buy more MMAT. im already way in the money on AMC i got in that to swing it MMAT is a longterm hold. MMAT is an investment not a meme.
$メタ マテリアルズ (MMAT.US)$私のmmatf株はmmatに変換されていません。Mmatfは依然として場外取引であり,その取引はWTFを行っている.私のMmatfは1.845株のMMatを得るべきだと思っていましたが、これはいったいどういうことですか?
70900497 スレ主 MoMa Doge : 次に、あなたの損失を減らして兄弟を売ってください。私としては、もっと買うためにお金をかき集めようとしています。