
マルコ・エールとロバート・ザックが投資。コムの記事によると、働き方のデジタル化が進む中、サイバーセキュリティの重要性も高まっています。工業スパイが小さなカメラやマイクロフィルムで行われていた時代は遠い過去のものです。新たな敵はUSB、Wi-FiおよびBluetoothインターフェース、インターネットアクセスです。これはエンドユーザーに危険をもたらす一方で、この問題に取り組む企業には莫大な成長機会があり、意義ある市場リターンをもたらす可能性があります。業界の大手企業であるシスコ(NASDAQ:CSCO)、パロアルト、クラウドフレア(NYSE:NET)を保有するETFMG Prime Cyber Security ETF(HACK)は2021年にわずか2.5%増加したに過ぎませんでしたが、2020年のリターンは驚異的な38%でした。株式市場では、サイバーセキュリティ市場のように有望な分野で、悪い時期が良い時期に続くことが多いのではないでしょうか?詳しく見てみましょう。PCを所有していてウイルスやトロイの木馬に問題がないと言う人はほとんどいないでしょう。ウイルスに感染していないと主張する人は、その影響を気づかなかった可能性が高いです。ほとんどのデバイスがインターネットに接続できる時代において、サイバーセキュリティはより多くのお金が投じられている商品になっています。このセクターで2020年に発生した売上高は世界中で1,180億ドルに達しました。ハードウェアは20%、ソフトウェアは35%、Itサービスは45%を占めています。2026年までに、業界は売上高が2,100億ドルに増加し、複利年間成長率(CAGR)が10.6%になることを予想しています。サイバーセキュリティ成長にはソフトウェアがどのような役割を果たしていますか?ソフトウェアセグメントでは、2020年には米国が支出のリーダーでした。世界中でセキュリティを向上させるために410億ドルが費やされましたが、そのうち56%は米国が占めていました。これはそれぞれの従業員ごとに、122ドルが投じられたことに相当します。出典:サイバーセキュリティソフトウェアレポート2021 https://de.statista.com/statistik/studie/id/104227/dokument/software-report/ 一方、ヨーロッパはわずか25%を占め、アジアは16%で大きく遅れています。このセグメントでは、2020年から2026年までの年平均成長率は7.0%と予想されます。サイバーセキュリティ全体のCAGRが10.6%の比較から見ると、ソフトウェアソリューションはまだ小さな役割を果たすようです。しかし、これは必ずしもソフトウェアセクターへの投資が有益でないことを意味するわけではありません。2016年から2026年までのCAGRは、ヨーロッパが8.1%、米国が7.8%であることに比べ、アジアで10.4%で追いつこうという競争が続いているようです。アジアでの好調なトレンドは、合計サイバーセキュリティ支出を見るとさらに明確になります。2021年から2026年の間に、これは281億ドルから563億ドルに上昇すると予想されています。これは100%以上の全体的な増加を表しています。特に興味深いのは、アジアでのソフトウェアセグメントの売上高が、同じ期間で70億ドルから109億ドルに「ただ」55.7%増加するということです。これにより、ハードウェアとItサービスセグメントの恩恵を受けていることが明確になります。アジアのサイバーセキュリティ市場全体におけるソフトウェアのシェアは、2021年から2026年までの期間に24.9から19.4%に減少する見込みです。米国とヨーロッパはアジアのサイバーセキュリティ市場の成長には遅れをとっているわけですが、売上高はそれぞれ34.3%と37.2%増加すると推定されています。サイバーセキュリティハードウェア - どちらがリードしているのでしょうか?サイバーセキュリティ全体市場で20%を占めるハードウェアセグメントは最も小さな部分ですが、2020年から2026年までのCAGRが9.2%となることから、ソフトウェアセグメントよりも成長が期待されます。この分野でも市場占有率には明確な変化が見られます。2020年に総売上高230億ドルのうち、米国は47%、アジアは28%、ヨーロッパはわずか21%を占めていました。しかし、2021年から2026年までのヨーロッパと米国のハードウェア売上高はそれぞれ36.4%と32.7%の増加が予想される一方で、アジアは77億ドルから152億ドル、つまり97.4%に増加すると予想されています。これはアジアがサイバーセキュリティにおいて最も高い成長率を持つ可能性があることを明確に示しています。 https://de.statista.com/statistik/studie/id/104221/dokument/hardware-report/ The undisputed number one in hardware growth is China. Spending there is expected to increase by 162.6 percent from 2020 to 2026. It services signal biggest growth Sales of It services play the biggest role of all in cybersecurity. It's no wonder, either, as without expert personnel, the best software and hardware aren't much use. This is also where the largest growth is expected worldwide. From sales of $540億 in 2020, the market is expected to rise to $1080億 by 2026, a CAGR of 12.2%. https://de.statista.com/statistik/studie/id/104222/dokument/it-services-report/ In Europe, It services sales are expected to climb from $197億 to $322億 (63.5 percent) between 2021 and 2026, and in the U.S. from $253億 to $407億 (60.9 percent). Asia, on the other hand, may also outpace the rest of the world in the cybersecurity It services sector. Over the same period, revenues are expected to increase from $134億 to $302億, representing growth of 125.4 percent. All in all, it can be stated that Asia is likely to be the next big growth driver for the cybersecurity market. However, the solid growth rates in the USA and Europe should not be ignored. Let's take a look at the fifteen cybersecurity stocks that Wall Street analysts believe have the greatest upside potential over the next twelve months. Investing.com used our stock screener for this, filtering for stocks from the cybersecurity sector that are followed by at least five analysts and have at least five buy recommendations and where there is the greatest upside potential. We looked for stocks with a minimum of $20億 market cap. Here’s our list: Varonis Systems (NASDAQ:VRNS) (average price target in 12M: $74.68 / +55.40%) Cloudflare Inc (NYSE:NET) (average target price in 12M: $207.28 / +51.26%) Splunk (NASDAQ:SPLK) (average target price in 12M: $167.29 / +47.72%) Crowdstrike Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:CRWD) (average target price in 12M: $68.53 / +43.80%) Sailpoint Technologies Holdings Inc (NYSE:SAIL) (average target price in 12M: $68.53 / +43.44 %) SentinelOne Inc (NYSE:S) (average target price in 12M: $68.14 / +34.09%) CyberArk Software (NASDAQ:CYBR) (average target price in 12M: $218.86 / +33.03%) Leidos Holdings (NYSE:LDOS) (average target price in 12M: $116.90 / +31.82%) Okta (NASDAQ:OKTA) (average target price in 12M: $282.54 / +29.20%) Zscaler (NASDAQ:ZS) (average target price in 12M: $393.60 / +29.13%) Rapid7 (NASDAQ:RPD) (average target price in 12M: $145.13 / +24.26%) Tenable Holdings (NASDAQ:TENB) (average target price in 12M: $65 / +22.60%) SAIC (NYSE:SAIC) (average target price in 12M: $100.50 / +20.14%) CACI International Inc (NYSE:CACI) (average target price in 12M: $321.22 / +19.81%) Booz Allen (NYSE:BAH) Hamilton (average target price in 12M: $97 / +16.5%) Note: All calculations refer to the respective closing price on December 15, 2021. Here are the three standout names: Varonis Systems shares hold the greatest potential According to Wall Street analysts, Varonis Systems, a specialist in the field of data security and analysis, has the greatest share price potential in the cybersecurity sector over the next twelve months. The 20 analysts surveyed by Investing.com estimate the price potential of Varonis Systems shares at 55.4 percent. Of these, 16 are buy recommendations and 4 holds. There are no sell recommendations. In the third quarter, the company's revenue increased 31 percent year-over-year to $10040万. Subscription revenues were up 59 percent to $7000万. Non-GAAP profit was $810万, up from $310万 in the year-ago quarter. RBC Capital Markets analyst Matthew Hedberg believes Varonis's product business in the areas of data governance and insider threat management could be converted to a subscription model, which could significantly increase subscription revenue. The expert has high hopes for the company's potential to service both on-premises and cloud data stores. For the third quarter, Varonis reported ARR growth of 36 percent. Hedberg sees the cybersecurity specialist in a promising position for 2022 and beyond, especially given strong demand in the near term and longer-term growth drivers in the form of digitization of the economy and cloud migration. RBC rates Varonis stock "outperform" with an $82 price target. For the coming year, Varonis expects revenue to be between $38350万 and $38650万, up 31-32 percent. Earnings on a non-GAAP basis are expected to be between $1950万 and $2150万. Cloudflare shares with over 50 percent return potential The next stock on the list is Cloudflare. It has already risen more than 73 percent in 2021, and much more at one point to $221.64, but has recently come under some pressure due to valuation concerns expressed by JP Morgan regarding the Fed's upcoming tightening cycle, and is currently trading at $131.87. JP Morgan believes Cloudflare could emerge as one of the largest revenue generators in its coverage within the next 10 to 15 years, after all, the company is positioning itself as the "fourth cloud" after Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN), Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) and Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL), CNBC reported. However, with Cloudflare "the most expensive stock in our coverage" and multiples in the software space expected to decline, JP Morgan lowered its rating to "sell" from "hold." If one believes the bulk of Wall Street analysts, though, the recent correction already represents a buying opportunity. On average, the analysts assume a price target of $207.28 - which corresponds to an upside potential of just under 51.26 percent in the next twelve months. According to RBC Capital Markets, Cloudflare's total addressable market could swell to around $1000億 by 2024. 5G mobile networks and the "Internet of Things" should increase this market even further. RBC rates Cloudflare stock "Outperform" with a $220 price target. Cloudflare reported third-quarter revenue of $17230万, up 51 percent year over year. On a non-GAAP basis, the cybersecurity specialist posted a profit of $140万, the first time in the company's history. "We had a landmark third quarter, with revenue growth up 51% year-over-year, and large customer growth up 71% year-over-year. Our strong growth and efficiency also propelled us to reach profitability this quarter, achieving that milestone a year ahead of our original timeline," Cloudflare CEO and co-founder Matthew Prince said in a press release. For the fourth quarter, Cloudflare expects revenue of $18400万 to $18500万. Splunk stock could benefit greatly from cloud transformation Another stock on the list is Splunk. The provider of operational intelligence software that monitors, analyzes and reports on real-time computer data has had a tumultuous year. The cybersecurity company's stock price, for example, has plunged more than 35 percent since the beginning of the year. Challenges such as cloud transformation and the surprise resignation of CEO Doug Merritt have put pressure on Splunk stock. Still, the former highflier shouldn't be written off completely, especially since the company has already ventured into the cloud with the launch of Splunk Observability Cloud, though it faces massive competition from companies like Elastic (NYSE:ESTC) and Dynatrace (NYSE:DT). In the third quarter of fiscal 2022 (the three months ending Oct. 31, 2021), total revenue rose 19 percent year over year to $66500万. Cloud revenue increased 68 percent to $24300万 in the same period. Many customers are just switching from an on-premise model to the new Splunk software delivery in the cloud. "With only a little more than a third of its revenue coming from the cloud, it will likely take some time for this transition to fully unfold," said an article on The Motley Fool. The average price target of the 39 analysts surveyed by Investing.com is $167.29, nearly 48 percent above the current price. Twenty-three advise a buy, while 16 recommend a hold. It is particularly remarkable that despite the recent price turbulence, no one recommends selling the stock. So if you have nerves of steel and enough patience, Splunk could be a bargain. Alternatives: Other companies in the cybersecurity space that are also seen as having greater upside potential by analysts over a 12-month period are: Check Point Software (NASDAQ:CHKP) (+16.31%), Akamai (NASDAQ:AKAM) (+16.16%), NortonLifeLock (NASDAQ:NLOK) (+16.06%), Palo Alto Networks (NASDAQ:PANW) (+14.34%), and Fortinet (NASDAQ:FTNT) (+10.37%).