


Patience is the Key 女性 ID: 101707616
    Patience is the Key がいいねしました
    As a newbie to investment. I try watch out for stocks with dividend yields. Just in case the stocks I chose drops in value and I can’t dispose it. I will still have some consolation in that. That being said, we still have to do some checks on the companies background and who are the major investors are before we “board the ship”. The summaries provided are helpful and we are able to compare them with our own checks. Patience is always the key to long term investment.
    Patience is the Key がいいねしました
    $モデルナ (MRNA.US)$ Vaccine maker Moderna said on Monday that its COVID-19 booster shot protected against the fast-spreading omicron strain in laboratory tests. Moderna also said that development of a vaccine for Omicron would continue and that it was expected to enter clinical trials in early 2022. Moderna shares rose more than 6.5% in pre-market trading after the announcement.
    Patience is the Key がいいねしました
    $ペイパル・ホールディングス (PYPL.US)$  $ブロック (SQ.US)$ 
    The digital payment industry has been on a steady climb for many years given the e-commerce revolution. The Covid 19 situation, has further led to new users who usually would not have shopped online to come onboard. All these bode well for a good runway for further consistent growth ahead.
    With the coming of the new era of Metaverse by Meta, where the future could be split between your virtual and physical world, the need for a digital wallet would be essential. The digital wallet could be used for keeping your digital currency, digital assets (NFTs) and other digital-related items.
    Source: Mordor Intelligence
    The transaction value of the digital payments market was USD 5.44 trillion in 2020, and it is projected to be worth USD 11.29 trillion by 2026, registering a CAGR of 11.21% from 2021 to 2026
    Source: Mordor Intelligence
    The global payments market is expected to grow from $466.29 billion in 2020 to $517.68 billion in 2021 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11%. The market is expected to reach $735.39 billion in 2025 at a CAGR of 9.2%.
    Source: Businesswire.com
    The growth as predicted by both Modor Intelligence and Businesswire for the digital payment industry would be in the region of around 11% for the next 5 years. This is consistent growth rather than exceptional growth but one thing is for sure, it is still a sunrise sector. Hence, it is going to be a good place to look for potential investments.
    Paypal- The Gateway to Digital Payments
    PayPal would need no introduction as it has been around since 1998 where their famous co-founder, Elon Musk, is now the richest man in the world; courtesy of Tesla's stake. It was part of eBay from 2002 till it was hived off in 2015 through an IPO. PayPal is therefore well entrenched internationally and not just in the US.
    It has since evolved to include not only a payment mode but also a digital wallet, Venmo. You could use their app to trade cryptocurrencies and they are looking into shares trading too in the future. You are also able to store your digital assets (NFTs).
    Paypal has also recently launched their digital credit card, Venmo Visa, where they have recently announced a collaboration with Amazon. They are also having their own Buy Now Pay Later solution to be up to par with competitors.
    The vision for PayPal is to be a super app fighting the likes of Wechat, Alipay, Grab and Sea. 
    Financial Metrics
    Based on the analysis of the Financial Metrics which we compared to their competitor Square which was set up in 2009. Their co-founder is Jack Dorsey who also helm Twitter. Given the earlier industry growth outlook of teens in the next 5 years, a PE of 46 would not be exactly in the bargain zone.
    Nonetheless, comparing the average PE since 2016 of 57 (source: YCharts), we might be heading into a reasonable valuation zone based on the historical PE range.
    Though they have a debt to equity of 0.36, if we include the cash holdings, it is in a net cash position. This gives PayPal a strong financial position. On the whole, it is a safer bet than Square in the payment sector but Square is growing at a much faster pace, they have also not expanded their base in the international markets yet.
    PayPal has been the better capital allocator given its stellar return on equity and invested capital numbers.
    Paypal Historical Growth
    Source: Reuters
    Looking at the revenue growth from 2016 to 2020, the compounded growth rate was 18.6%. The growth in earnings outshoots the revenue growth by growing at a compounding rate of 31.6%. It was more commendable given their gradual loss of eBay business since 2018.
    The payment agreement between eBay and PayPal was till June 2020- 5 years after their spin-off. At their spin-off (2015), eBay makes up to 50% of the profits for PayPal. It is just less than 4% of their total revenue and it could go to nil by 2023 as eBay is coming up with their payment solutions.
    Why has PayPal fallen almost 37% from the Peak?
    Based on the latest Q3 results, their growth quarter on quarter has slowed to around 13% for their revenue- factoring in a reduction of 46% revenue from eBay. Excluding eBay, revenue has grown at around the 25% mark over the past 2 years. Nonetheless, there was a reduction in guidance for Q4.
    PayPal expects fourth-quarter adjusted earnings to be about $1.12 per share versus the estimate of $1.27 per share. The company expects fourth-quarter revenue to be in a range of $6.85 billion to $6.95 billion versus the estimate of $7.24 billion.
    Also, PayPal expects growth for 2022 to be around 18% which falls short of analysts estimates at 22%. This disappointing outlook has led to the recent share price weakness.
    Their recent interest in Pinterest has also gathered mixed reactions with some critics highlighting that PayPal’s growth could be filtering off as they have to acquire non-core business to generate growth. Also, a move into e-commerce when they have spun off from eBay earlier seems to highlight the synergies might not work.
    At 45 billion dollars, it is buying growth at a hefty price tag of 20x Price to Sales. Moreover, the co-founder, Evan Sharp, would be leaving Pinterest for LoveForm. Also, Pinterest was listed in April 2019 at just a valuation of 10 billion dollars but the deal would value it at 45 billion dollars.
    From another angle, the social media investment could be a good move to capture more customers for their payment app with a whole new demographics. Also, social commerce is up and coming. The acquisition would help PayPal gain a foothold in this lucrative market, hence taking a step closer to the goal of being a super app with numerous features.
    On the whole, we find the no-deal on Pinterest would be a net positive for PayPal, as it is not within their core business of digital payments.
    Chartist Point of View
    Looking at the charts, it is an ugly sight where it has fallen almost 37% from their peak of 310. It has just broken through the psychological 200 level last Friday. This is what catching a falling knife will look like.
    Nonetheless, looking at the historical valuation from price to book and price to earnings, a bottom could be established soon as we are near their average and even below-average historical valuation.
    Support would be found at firstly the 175–185 region. The next support would be the 145–160 region which coincides with our box method projection- price range of 240–310 forming the box used.
    Summing Up
    Given the digital payments industry outlook, the sector is still on a secular uptrend. The growth could be in the healthy teens’ region. With so much talk about Metaverse, it will likely lead to more growth if the scenario where virtual and augmented reality takes over a portion of our daily life.
    PayPal, with their recent price drop, would be a safer proxy to invest in this sector given their pedigree and great track record.
    PayPal is currently trading at forward PE of 36, which is the average mean for the past 5 years. We are therefore getting it at a reasonable valuation based on historical metrics. Moreover, it is in a net cash position and generating healthy positive free cash flow.
    With eBay making up just less than 4% of their revenue, they are embarking and ready for an eBay-less form going into 2022. Without an agreement with eBay, they could have more latitude to tie up with other e-commerce platforms. This was shown through their recent collaboration with Amazon announced in the Q3 results briefing.
    However, the chart is akin to a falling knife now. Potential attractive entry region would be firstly the 175–185 region followed by 145–160 region based on our charting analysis.
    From a fundamental angle, if valuation drops below forward PE of 30, that could be another indicator that we will be investing in this established payment provider at a good price.
    The fall in PayPal price could be seen as an optimal opportunity to pick up a great consistent growth stock at a reasonable valuation.
    The Gateway To Digital Payments- PayPal
    The Gateway To Digital Payments- PayPal
    The Gateway To Digital Payments- PayPal
    Patience is the Key がいいねしました
    $アップル (AAPL.US)$目標の210ドルに達することはありますか?
    Patience is the Key がいいねしました
    $モデルナ (MRNA.US)$  $ロンジェベロン (LGVN.US)$  $リビアン・オートモーティブ・インク (RIVN.US)$  $セブコン (SEV.US)$ ...など、他の多くの例があります。
    株式、例えば $ロンジェベロン (LGVN.US)$新規売や3-5日以内に5-10倍に増加することもあります...
    株式、例えば $モデルナ (MRNA.US)$株式市場とは対照的であり、2020年3月以来の両方の「道琼斯工業平均」(Dow Jones)にとって9月は最悪の月でした。 $リビアン・オートモーティブ・インク (RIVN.US)$夜間取引に使用できる余分なお金を常に口座に残しておくことをお勧めします。
    Patience is the Key がいいねしました
    多種多様なトレーダーがいます: デイトレーダー、スイングトレーダー、ロングタームトレーダーなど。それぞれのトレーダータイプには合った戦略がありますが、ここでは一般的に良いトレーディング習慣を説明します...
    1. 計画を立てる
    2. デューデリジェンスを行う(調査、記事、ニュースなど)
    3. ポジティブなアタッチメントで取引する
    4. 衝動的に行動したり、反応したりしないでください
    5. 損失トレードを制限するためのストップロスを使用する
    6. 損失から学ぶ
    7. 強欲で利益を得ないでください
    私が理解しているところでは、私の口座に投資を続け、小額の投資(複利の力として知られる)をすることです。現時点では、あまりリターンは見られませんが、10年後には著しく成長するでしょう。10年前を振り返ると、複利の力を実感できます。この部分で成功するためには、株式のように知名度の高い成功したものに投資する必要があります。 $アップル (AAPL.US)$も人々の注目を集める可能性がある。 $アマゾン・ドットコム (AMZN.US)$, $マイクロソフト (MSFT.US)$, $アルファベット クラスA (GOOGL.US)$, $ネットフリックス (NFLX.US)$, $コカコーラ (KO.US)$、などのような、知られた成功株式に投資する必要があります。
    Patience is the Key がいいねしました
    MooMooアプリを開くと、私が興味を持っている株式の見積もりをチェックすることを最初にします。 $フートゥー・ホールディングス (FUTU.US)$次に、その株式についてのMooersの感想を知るために、「コメント」セクションをクリックします。
    (例: ) $AMCエンターテインメント クラスA (AMC.US)$mooerたちはほとんど毎日ヘッジファンドと戦っています。エイプ同士の強い結びつきと共に、エイプたちは互いにHODLしています。すべてのエイプが一緒に、STRONGです。)
    次に、株式に関する最新情報を知るために、「ニュース」セクションをクリックします。これにより、新しい革新的な製品やサービスなどの成長の可能性を判断することができます。 $Cenntro Electric (NAKD.US)$(例:EVセクターに参入する )
    その後、「分析」セクションに移動して、株価トレンドを確認します。これにより、株式がオーバーソールドかオーバーボートされているか、そして強気か弱気かがわかります。 $モデルナ (MRNA.US)$(例:COVIDコンセプト株は強気で、2021年11月26日のブラックフライデーに新しいCOVID変異種の「オミクロン」が発表されたことで20.57%上昇しました。)
    次に、財務アナリストによる収益見積もりを表示するために「財務」セクションに移動します。収益高の見積もりを行っている金融アナリストが25人以上いる場合、見積もりの精度が高くなります。 $アドバンスト・マイクロ・デバイシズ (AMD.US)$(例: の収益見積もりには29人の金融アナリストがいます。)
    最後に、「サマリー」セクションに移動して、株式を保有する機関の数と、それを取得する機関がさらにあるかどうかを表示します。 $アップル (AAPL.US)$(例: は2021年11月25日時点で4816の機関が保有しています。)
    これらの習慣は、私が興味を持っている株式に関する有用な洞察を得るのに役立ち、ポートフォリオの再バランスの意思決定を支援してくれました。私は、「moomoo」にこれらの素晴らしい機能を提供してくれたことに感謝しています。将来にますます期待しています。 $フートゥー・ホールディングス (FUTU.US)$私の株式取引の役に立つ情報を、Mooersが見つけてくれることを願っています。