Led by Japan, created by an atmosphere purposely crafted to be absolute uncertainty and chaos by our government. Special mentions to the war criminals that someday will face their end, the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the EU leaders ( excluding. Hungary and Slovakia ) , particularly Vanderlyin, Macaroon (FR), Shulz (DE), most of the UK revolving joke, Duda (Pol), Kristersen (SV), Orpo (Fin), Kaya Calas I keep wondering why people aren’t more angry. When will you all get angry?
Angry about what?? The land is Israel …Period and what War crimes!! When are people going get Angry about Israel innocent civilians massacred and raped with American hostages taken captive. Let’s get seriously Angry about That!!! Unfortunately Palestine allowed terrorist to run free in their country, if you want to put the blame down it should be Hamas they set the fire in motion. Israel didn’t just wake day and attack Palestine, so get your facts straight!!!!
It’s so great to know MSNBC crap fake Info is going Down! And Everyone is Going with flying colors to X to get their Dailey News! Real Truthful n Un censored! The Day is coming MSM will be obsolete! Only 27% of the people even watch or believe Anything they TRY to SELL! Hurray for Elon and our fight forfree Speech!
gancheong spider
Whose land it is depends on which part of history u read into or one's faith. But what is clear is that violence to tackle violence will only create more violence. Whatever is happening in Palestine is gonna create multiples of Hamas. It is so so so easy to convert the Palestinians who have seen their child, father, mother or whole family perishes in front of their eyes.
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Moomoo Lily Tinowong : Hello mooer, Lily has received the issue you reported and forwarded it to the relevant colleagues for follow-up assistance.
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Tinowong Free Chan : I mean the max chart. From start until now.
Tinowong : Reply from MooMoo US in Reddit solve the chart issue.
Go to Me>Settings>Charts>Price Adjustment >Unadjusted