GoldFed's 100bp rate cut has led to a 100bp increase in the yield of the 10-year US Treasury bond, this extreme anomaly has emerged, meaning long-term investors have to add extra risk premium to the traditional 60:40 (stock and bond investment portfolio). For retirement funds, pension funds, and retail investors who have long relied on such investment portfolios, it's a disaster. Long-term government bonds have weak demand, short-term government bond issuances have been utilized to the extreme, the root of the problem lies in debt repayment ability, the model of paying off old debts with new debts is increasingly being rejected, and what more people need is commodities, resources, and Gold. Any "artificially lowering yield" will further weaken the credibility of the US dollar as a global reserve currency. 利下げとバランスシートの拡大により、流動性が解放され、あらゆる問題が解決される可能性があり、米国にはもはや効果がないかもしれません。
暗号 : もしかしたら、米連邦準備制度が強制的に債券を購入することになるかもしれません。
thoughtful Bat_8163 暗号 : 可能性はかなり高いです
暗号 thoughtful Bat_8163 : この「資不抵债」の米国債製品は誰も購入しておらず、深刻な販売不振です
thoughtful Bat_8163 暗号 : 個人的見解では、米国債は最も安全な資産の一つであり、現在の米国債価格の下落は、満期利回りの上昇をもたらし、それは単に米国経済の強さを反映しているだけです。他の資産への投資がより高い収益をもたらすため、そしてまた、米連邦準備制度が利下げのペースを鈍化させる意向を表明しているため、米国債が売られる状況になっています。
暗号 : GoldFed's 100bp rate cut has led to a 100bp increase in the yield of the 10-year US Treasury bond, this extreme anomaly has emerged, meaning long-term investors have to add extra risk premium to the traditional 60:40 (stock and bond investment portfolio). For retirement funds, pension funds, and retail investors who have long relied on such investment portfolios, it's a disaster.
Long-term government bonds have weak demand, short-term government bond issuances have been utilized to the extreme, the root of the problem lies in debt repayment ability, the model of paying off old debts with new debts is increasingly being rejected, and what more people need is commodities, resources, and Gold.
Any "artificially lowering yield" will further weaken the credibility of the US dollar as a global reserve currency.