Moomoo Malaysia Help Center-SG Stocks, ETFs, REITs, Structured Warrants and DLCs
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      SG Stocks, ETFs, REITs, Structured Warrants and DLCs

      1. Commission

      Type Currency Fees Charged by
      Commission SGD 0.03% * Transaction amount, minimum 3 SGD / Order Moomoo MY


      2. Platform Fees

      Type Currency Fees Charged by
      Platform Fees SGD 0.05% * Transaction amount, minimum 5 SGD / Order Moomoo MY


      1. Each order may be filled through multiple trades but will only be charged once for the Commission and Platform Fees.

      2. If an order is a Good-Til-Canceled order, the Commission and Platform Fees of such order shall be settled according to the trading day. Trades on the same trading day shall be charged as one order, and trades on different trading days shall be charged as different orders.

      3. For transactions denominated in HKD or USD, fees are charged at corresponding currency. For transactions denominated in HKD, minimum Commission per order is HKD 18 and minimum Platform Fees per order is HKD 30. For transactions denominated in USD, minimum Commission per order is USD 2 and minimum Platform Fees per order is USD 4. Moomoo MY reserves the right to adjust the minimum charges in accordance with the exchange rates.

      4. As a technology brokerage, Moomoo MY has been committed to providing clients with high-quality and stable products and services. The platform fees are designed to ensure the company's sustainable investment in research and development so that Moomoo MY can provide you with an excellent trading experience through optimal iteration in technology.


      3. Other Fees

      Type Currency Fees Charged by
      Trading Fees SGD/HKD/USD Stocks, ETFs and REITs: 0.0075% * Transaction amount

      Structured Warrants and DLCs: 0.001% * Transaction amount

      Money Market Exchange Traded Funds (MMETF): 0.0001% * Transaction amount
      Clearing Fees Stocks, ETFs and REITs: 0.0325% * Transaction amount

      Structured Warrants and DLCs: 0.004% * Transaction amount

      Money Market Exchange Traded Funds(MMETF): 0.0001% * Transaction amount
      Stamp Duty Shares: RM 1.00 for every RM 1,000 (or fractional part) of the transaction amount, maximum RM 1,000 per trade amalgamation

      ETFs, REITs, Structured Warrants, DLCs, and MMETF: RM 1.00 for every RM 1,000 (or fractional part) of the transaction amount, maximum RM 200 per trade amalgamation
      Government of Malaysia


      1. Trade Amalgamation

      Trade amalgamation will combine your trades to help you save on related fees done for the trading day and is automatically performed for each buy or sell trade if all following conditions are fulfilled:

      Trades must be of the same Stock or ETFs name/symbol, with the same settlement currency.

      Trades must be on the same side (e.g. Buy trades can only be amalgamated with another Buy trade).

      Trades must be filled on the same trading day.

      Please note that trade amalgamation will only be executed at the end of the day. Trading fees will be frozen for each trade made during the day, and any excess frozen fees will be refunded to your account.

      2. If an order is a Good-Til-Canceled order, the Trading Fees, Clearing Fees and Stamp Duty of such order shall be settled according to the trading day. Trades on the same trading day shall be charged as one order, and trades on different trading days shall be charged as different orders.

      3. For transactions denominated in HKD or USD, fees are charged at corresponding currency.


      4. Corporate Action Fees

      Moomoo MY charges SGD 5 for each corporate action application on singapore stocks. Additionally, fees incurred from third-parties or exchanges will be passed on to clients. Please note that dividends may also be subject to taxation, with rates varying according to each country's tax regulations.