Gree Electric Appliances' decreasing ROCE trend over the last five years is concerning. The high current liabilities to total assets ratio introduces risk. The stock's meager 12% return to shareholders in the last five years may reflect these trends.
Shifting market sentiment may be responsible for Gree Electric Appliances of Zhuhai's EPS growth and falling share price. Despite this, significant returns through reinvested dividends indicate investor curiosity about the company's future.
The trend of shrinking returns at Zhuhai's Gree Electric Appliances and reinvestment in its business, along with the company's high current liabilities to total assets ratio, present potential risks. The stock gained only 16% in the last five years.
Sales of brands such as Midea, Haier,$XIAOMI-W (01810.HK)$, Gree$Gree Electric Appliances,Inc.of Zhuhai (000651.SZ)$and$Apple (AAPL.US)$have already exceeded RMB100 million just after the opening, with the number of brands exceeding RMB100 million in sales within 10 minutes of opening increasing by 23% YoY. More than 60% of new merchants' 10-minute sales exceeded the daily average in May, while nearly 50% of small and medium-sized me...
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods: December 2022 total retail sales of consumer goods were 405.42 billion yuan, nominal -1.8% YoY (+4.1 pct from previous value), higher than expected, mainly due to the high increase in demand for drugs under the influence of the epidemic in December, as well as benefiting from the Spring Festival + subjective travel intentions to...
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What should I do if I can't operate here at the opening of the domestic market
Gree Electric Appliances,Inc.of Zhuhai Stock Forum
$Gree Electric Appliances,Inc.of Zhuhai (000651.SZ)$
More than 60% of new merchants' 10-minute sales exceeded the daily average in May, while nearly 50% of small and medium-sized me...
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