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Goldlok Holdings(Guangdong) (002348.SZ): Currently, the main revenue is from the business of toy manufacturing.
Investment Interactive Platform reported on December 17 that Goldlok Holdings(Guangdong) (002348.SZ) stated that the company's main revenue currently comes from toy manufacturing. In the future, the company will actively seek business transformation and development, broaden its business scope, expand its business income, seek new business and profit growth points, continuously improve the company's operational performance and quality, and strive to turn losses into profits as soon as possible.
Goldlok Holdings' Loan Balance Reaches 80 Million Yuan
Revenues Not Telling The Story For Goldlok Holdings(Guangdong) Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002348) After Shares Rise 29%
Goldlok Holdings(Guangdong)Ltd (SZSE:002348) Delivers Shareholders Stellar 28% CAGR Over 3 Years, Surging 38% in the Last Week Alone
Gaole Shares: Report for the third quarter of 2024
goldlok holdings(guangdong) (002348.SZ) released its performance for the first three quarters, with a net loss of 34.24 million yuan.
Goldlok Holdings(Guangdong)(002348.SZ) disclosed the third-quarter report for 2024, achieving revenue in the first three quarters of the year...