The company was founded in 1997 and successfully listed on the Shenzhen SME in 2010. It is an A-share listed company in the Shanghai cable industry. The main business is cable business and magnet wire business. The company's special cable products can be divided into five major series: green energy product line, industrial automation product line, high-end equipment manufacturing product line, smart city construction product line and smart grid product line. Featured electromagnetic wire products: special enameled flat copper wire for new energy traction motor coils, windings for wind turbine coils, windings for special motor coils, finished coils, and windings for oil-immersed transformers in power transmission and transformation equipment. Many of the company's new products have received the Shanghai High-tech Achievement Transformation Project, Shanghai's key new products, and have been recognized as Shanghai's scientific and technological achievements, Shanghai's patented new products, and the Shanghai Torch Program project.