Listing DateApr 7, 2000
Issue Price1.27
Shares Offered17.58B share(s)
FoundedNov 5, 1999
Registered AddressChina
Chairmanhouliang dai
Secretaryhua wang
Audit InstitutionPricewaterhouseCoopers Zhongtian Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership), PricewaterhouseCoopers
Company CategoryMainland registration of Mainland State-owned Assets control
Registered OfficeIntercontinental Tower, No. 16 Ande Road, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China
Head Office and Principal Place of BusinessRoom 3705, Tower 2, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
MarketHong Kong motherboard
BusinessLicensed business projects: mineral resource exploration, onshore oil and gas extraction, offshore oil extraction, offshore gas extraction; geothermal resource extraction, heating service, cooling service; gas management; crude oil wholesale, crude oil wholesale, refined oil product wholesale, refined oil product retail; hazardous chemical production, hazardous chemical storage, hazardous chemical management; power generation business, transmission business, electricity supply (distribution) business; electricity supply business; waterway general cargo transportation, road cargo transportation (excluding dangerous goods), road dangerous goods transportation; road dangerous goods transportation; Oil and gas pipeline storage and transportation; Food Additive production; tobacco product retail, e-cigarette retail; second-class medical device production; accommodation services; publication retail; production of audio and video products; reproduction of audio and video products; Internet information services. General business projects: mineral processing, chemical product production (excluding licensed chemical products), chemical product sales (excluding licensed chemical products); fertilizer production, fertilizer sales; food additive sales; petroleum product manufacturing (excluding hazardous chemicals), petroleum products sales (excluding hazardous chemicals); lubricant processing (without hazardous chemicals), lubricant manufacturing (excluding hazardous chemicals), lubricant sales; land pipeline transportation, submarine pipeline transportation services; engineering technology services (excluding planning and management, survey, design, and supervision), engineering management services, oil and gas technology services; carbon reduction and carbon transfer, carbon Capture and carbon sequestration technology research and development; emerging energy technology research and development, new material technology promotion services; technical services, technology development, technical consultation, technical exchange, technology transfer, technology promotion; battery manufacturing, station hydrogenation and hydrogen storage equipment