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Estimating The Fair Value Of Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (HKG:981)
Capital flow | North Water significantly increased its position in Alibaba by over 4.5 billion Hong Kong dollars, continuously selling Xiaomi for four days.
Track the latest dynamics of southbound capital.
Northbound capital direction | Northbound capital net Buy of 7.713 billion, domestic capital continues to increase its holdings in Network Technology stocks. This week, over 10 billion Hong Kong dollars were allocated to Alibaba (09988).
On February 14th, in the Hong Kong stock market, the net purchase by northbound funds was 7.713 billion HKD, including a net purchase of 4.043 billion HKD through SH->HK Connect and a net purchase of 3.67 billion HKD through SZ->HK Connect.
Trending Industry Today: KUAISHOU-W Leads Gains In DeepSeek Beneficiaries Stocks
Hong Kong stocks movement | Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (00981) fell another 4% in the afternoon; Institutions say the stock price may have fully reflected the company's upside potential.
Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (00981) fell another 4% in the afternoon, as of the time of writing, down 3.91%, priced at 44.2 Hong Kong dollars, with a transaction volume of 7.786 billion Hong Kong dollars.
DeepSeek has emerged, and Chinese Technology stocks have surged! Citibank: the market is not yet overheated.
Citigroup Analyst believes that since the beginning of the year, the QITABANKUAI in China has indeed seen an increase in congestion, primarily due to the rise of technology stocks, which has boosted overall valuations and improved market sentiment. However, if excluding the weight stock Xiaomi Group, it can be found that although the QITABANKUAI in China has a higher congestion compared to other sectors, it is still not the most congested sector, indicating that this sector has not yet overheated.