Baiosetu is an international biotechnology company driven by innovative technology to develop new drugs. It is committed to becoming a global birthplace of new drugs, with the mission of focusing on technological innovation, continuing the production of new drugs, and protecting human health. Based on the whole-human antibody RenmiceTM platform (RenmaB and RenLite mice) independently developed by Baiosetu and with completely independent intellectual property rights, it organically integrates monoclonal and double antibody development technology platforms, an in-animal pharmacodynamic screening platform, and strong clinical development capabilities to form a unique new drug development capability covering the entire drug development process. Bioosetu is developing large-scale drugs for more than 1,000 potential drug targets (the “Thousand Mice” Program). With the implementation of the plan, Baiosetu has signed 24 drug cooperative development agreements and reached authorized cooperation on the RenMice platform with 14 companies, including a number of MNCs. The company has now established a pipeline of 12 core drug products, of which 2 products are in phase II clinical trials at international multi-center (MRCT) clinical trials and 2 are in phase I clinical trials. In the future, Baiosetu will continue to work with global partners to continue to produce many antibody drugs to better benefit patients. Biosetu is headquartered in Beijing and has branches in Haimen, Jiangsu, Shanghai, and Boston, USA.
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