Listing DateOct 31, 2002
Issue Price84.00
Shares Offered30.43M share(s)
FoundedNov 16, 1969
Registered AddressUnited Kingdom
Audit InstitutionErnst & Young LLP
Company CategoryOther
Registered Office1 Basinghall Avenue, London EC2V 5DD, United Kingdom
Head Office and Principal Place of Business32nd Floor, 4-4A Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
MarketHong Kong motherboard
Business Standard Chartered PLC is an international banking company. The company's business divisions include corporate, commercial and institutional banking; consumer, private and commercial banking; venture capital; and central and other ad hoc divisions. The Corporate, Commercial, and Institutional Banking segment provides digital and face-to-face support to companies around the world, from small to medium enterprises to large enterprises and institutions. The Consumer, Private, and Commercial Banking Division supports small businesses and individuals, from mass retail customers to wealthy and high-net-worth individuals, digitally and face-to-face. The venture capital division includes fintech and a pipeline of more than 30 venture capital firms, including two cloud-native digital banks. Its products and services include macro, commodity and credit transactions, debt capital markets and leveraged finance, cash management, investments, trade finance, deposits, insurance, mortgages, and others. It operates in 52 markets.