We are a manufacturer of tinned tin packaging products based in Guangdong Province, China. Our main products are tin cans and steel drums, which are generally used to load paint and coatings. We began commercial production of tin cans and steel drums in 1997 and 1998 respectively. Our revenue mainly comes from selling tinned tin packaging products in China. Our customer base mainly includes paint and coating suppliers and other packaging product manufacturers. All five of our major customers are located in Guangdong Province. We own and operate a factory in Foshan, Guangdong Province, China, with a site area of approximately 35,936.2 square meters. The Foshan factory has 18 production lines (of which 16 and 2 are used to produce tin cans and steel drums respectively). At the last practical date, we had 295 employees. We outsource a number of production process subcontractors for tinned iron packaging products, including tinned iron printing, tinned iron laminating, and tinned sheet roll cutting. Tinned iron coil is our main raw material. Our production also requires other auxiliary materials and supplies, such as handles and lids. We source raw materials from suppliers in China.