18.08BMarket Cap9.21P/E (TTM)
5.590High5.470Low14.22MVolume5.510Open5.560Pre Close78.34MTurnover5.94052wk High0.53%Turnover Ratio3.30BShares3.83352wk Low0.594EPS TTM14.62BFloat Cap5.940Historical High9.68P/E (Static)2.67BShs Float0.075Historical Low0.565EPS LYR2.16%Amplitude0.27Dividend TTM0.90P/B100Lot Size4.92%Div YieldTTM
DanCJTan : no straight answer. You can check using last financial year dividend divided by current share price or use the prospective dividend (usually from analyst reports) to check. I usually look at the average of the past 3 or 5 years to be conservatice