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Gunze, Osaka Gas, ETC [List of materials from newspapers]
*Gunze <3002> is restructuring its organization to strengthen fiber materials and expand towards the Autos and civil engineering sectors (Nikkei Industrial, Front Page) -○ *Osaka Gas <9532> is making a growth investment of 209 billion yen for the fiscal year ending March 2026, with a focus on U.S. Shale Gas (Nikkei Industrial, Page 3) -○ *Suzuki <7269> Sagara also partially halted operations due to the impact of the explosion incident at Central Springs (Nikkei Industrial, Page 3) -○ *TOPPANHD <7911> will merge three business companies next spring to create synergies (Nikkei Industrial, Page 5) -○ *Mori Riku HD <4249> is withdrawing from Mexico, considering U.S. tariffs affecting the German company.
Kansai Electrical Utilities, Hamamatsu Photonics, etc.
*Kansai Electric Power <9503> uses 3D printing for hydropower Components, reducing costs while utilizing high-strength materials (Nikkei Industrial 1st page)-○*Meiden Corp <6508> is constructing a new factory in the U.S. to produce vacuum circuit breakers for substations (Nikkei Industrial 1st page)-○*Nakanishi Manufacturing <5941> is developing a smartphone game for school meal Operation, which will be used for human resource development (Nikkei Industrial 1st page)-○*Toyobo <3101> is progressing in the preparation for establishing a Medical Devices community, with 50 companies participating (Nikkei Industrial 3rd page)-○*Toyota Motor <7203> has resumed production at two factories with three lines, while Suzuki and Daihatsu have paused.
List of cloud break stocks (Part 2) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud break stocks]
○ List of stocks that have broken through the clouds Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <8129> Toho HD 4321 4260 4301.5 <8132> Shinanen HD 6580 6472.5 6390 <8158> Soda Nikka 1130 1116.75 1125 <8217> Okuwa 8458 808.5 843 <8306> Mitsubishi UFJ 1930 1909.5 1864
List of convertible stocks (Part 5) [List of stocks with Parabolic Cigna Corp signals]
○ List of stocks changed to Sell in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <9009> Keisei 1425 1583 <9045> Keihan HD 32983475 <9048> Meitetsu 17781820 <9076> Seino HD 22292279 <9273> Koa Shoji HD 704747 <9319> Chuo Warehouse 14401528 <9435> Hikari Communications 3760039220 <947
TOKAIHD, Sansan, ETC (additional) Rating
Rating Upgrade - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Changed After-------------------------------------------------------------<2395> Shin Nihon Kagaku Nomura "Hold" "Buy" <3487> CRE Logistics Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" <6460> Sega Sammy HDS MBK Nikko "2" "1" <7240> NOK Morgan S "Equal Weight" "Overweight" <7832> Bandai Namco HDS MBK Day.
List of conversion stocks (part 3) [Parabolic Cigna Corp conversion stocks list]
○ List of stocks that switched to Buy in the market Code Company Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <7995> Bulkar 3285 3200 <8016> Onward HD 5345 295 <8078> Hanwa 5040 4815 <8101> GSI Creos 2081 2028 <8154> Kaga Electronics 2738 2616 <8174> Nichigas 2254 2169 <8194> Life Corporation 1848 1750 <8214>