Volume change rate ranking (9 AM slot) ~ Yume Tenbo, Toyokumo, ETC ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average volume over the last five days with the volume on the day of distribution, it is possible to understand the trends of participation in the market and the interests of market participants. ■ Top volume change rates [Current as of December 20, 9:32] (Comparison with the average volume over the last five days) Stock code Stock name Volume Average volume over 5 days Volume change rate Stock price change rate <3623> Billing Sys 233,300 107,185.08 236.78% 0.0421% <3328>
Three key points to watch in the first half - a dip buying stance focusing on the year-end rally.
In the trading session from 13 days ago, attention should be focused on the following three points. ■ A dip-buying stance in anticipation of a year-end rally. ■ Seibu HD, upward revision on 25/3 operating profit to 289 billion yen from 45 billion yen. ■ Noteworthy materials from the morning session: NTT, commercialization of energy-saving Servers, utilization of IOWN, reduced to 1/8. ■ A dip-buying stance in anticipation of a year-end rally. The Japanese stock market on the 13th is expected to start with a slight bias towards selling but will likely show resilience in market development after that. In the US market on the 12th, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by 234 dollars, and...
NTT, Construction companies ETC [List of stock materials from newspapers]
*NTT <9432> commercialization of energy-saving Server, utilizing IOWN, suppressed to one-eighth (Nikkankogyo front page) - ○ *Mitsubishi Chem G <4188> revival of subsidiary president position, Mitsubish Chem will be concurrently held by Mr. Chikumoto, Tanabe Mitsubishi will have Mr. Tsujimura as president (Nikkankogyo page 3) - ○ *Lib Work <1431> and Teijin, strategic partnership, developing wooden Residences with few pillars and walls (Nikkankogyo page 3) - ○ *JDI <6740> collaborating with a US startup to develop high-resolution Thermal Sensor (Nikkankogyo page 3) - ○ *Seibu HD <9024> red P
List of stocks with cleared clouds (Part 2) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo: List of Stocks with Cleared Clouds]
○List of breakout stocks in the market Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock Exchange Main Board 1815 Tekken 2273 2402 2324.5 1878 DaiDohken 1717 0175 87.5 17210 2433 Hakuhodo DY 1140 1193.75 1153 2502 Asahi 1676 1870 1734 2749 JPHD 610 726 640.5 28
Volume change rate ranking (9 o'clock) - Japan Post, Gifty, etc. ranked in.
In the volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average volume over the last 5 days with the volume on the distribution day, one can understand market participants' interests such as trends in stock selection. ■ Top volume change rates [As of November 15, 9:32] (Comparison of the average volume over the last 5 days) Stock code Stock name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate <2856> US bond 37 H253450 107185.08 285.96%-0.0007% <2334> I
Tekken: Interim report - 84th period (2024/04/01 - 2025/03/31)
Tekken Corp Sees FY Net Y2.70B
Tekken: Summary of financial results for the 2nd quarter (interim period) of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020 [Japanese GAAP] (consolidated)
Asahi, Matsukiyo, Dentsu Group, Lancers (14th) (1379-4990)
※The above calendar is merely a schedule and may be subject to change due to the company's circumstances. --------------------------------------- November 14 (Thursday) <1379> Hokuto <1380> Akikawa Bokuen <142A> Jinjibu <1438> Gifu Landscape <1443> Giken HD <1446> Candiule <1447> SAAF HD <145A> El
List of Cloud Breakout Stocks [Ichimoku Balance Table, List of Cloud Breakout Stocks]
Top Breakout Stocks List Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock Exchange Main Board <1379> Hokuto 1836 1822 1827.5 <1801> Daichiku 6468 6401.5 5831.5 <1815> Tekken 2402 2398.5 2344.5 <2117> WellNeo S 2213 2196 2109.5 <2294> Kakiyasu Honden 2659 2655.5 25
Volume change rate ranking (10 o'clock) - companies such as Tohoku Shinsha and Kitahama Kapi are ranked.
* In the volume change rate ranking, you can understand the interest of market participants, such as trends in stock picking, by comparing the average volume of the past 5 days with the volume on the day of delivery. * Top volume change rate [August 23, 10:32 current] (Comparison with average volume of the past 5 days) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <133A> GX Super Short Rice 39461 20614.45 110.37% 0.003%
List of conversion stocks [List of conversion stocks for parabolic signals]
Buy conversion stocks list: Market Code Company Name Closing Price SAR Tokyo Prime <1803> Shimizu Construction 929 797 <1815> Tekken 2379 2050 <1878> Daito Construction 17680 16040 <1934> UATEC 1410 1174 <1973> NEC
Tekken: FY2021 Q1 results announcement (Japanese GAAP, consolidated)
McDonald's, Isetan Mitsukoshi, Rakuten G, ENEOS HD (9th) (1379-5076)
*The calendar above is tentative and subject to change due to company circumstances. ---------------------------------------August 9 (Friday) <1379> Hokuto <1381> Access <1384> Hokuriyo <1414> Showbond <1417> Miraito One <1429> Japan Aqua <142A> Gingerbread <1431> Livework <14
Volume change rate ranking (9:00) - Nishibuki Giken, Saizeriya, etc. rank in.
*In the volume change rate ranking, you can understand the concerns of market participants, such as the trend of picking stocks, by comparing the volume of the latest 5-day average with the volume on the delivery day. *Volume Change Rate Top [As of 9:32 on July 11] (Comparison of the latest 5 days' average volume) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <9560> Progrit 1155200 107185.08 223.04% 0.15
Tekken: Confirmatory letter.
Tekken: Securities Report - 83rd fiscal year (April 01, 2023 - March 31, 2024)
Tekken: Extraordinary Report
List of stocks with cleared clouds (Part 2) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo: List of Stocks with Cleared Clouds]
List of stocks that fall below the clouds: Market Code Name Price Leading Span A Leading Span B TOPIX Prime <1815> Tekken 2545 2789.25 2563.5 <1951> ExcioG 1589 1654.75 1593.5 <2602> Nisshin Oillio 4895 5087.5 5060 <2676> Koken Chemical
PDP Expands Its Award-Winning Victrix Pro FS Arcade Fight Stick Line With Two New Limited-Edition Designs