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Volume change rate ranking (in the 9 o'clock hour) - Nikka Chemicals, Yamagata Silver, etc. are ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average volume over the last five days with the volume on the distribution day, one can understand market participants' interests and trends in stock selection. ■ Top volume change rates [As of February 4, 9:32] (compared to the average volume over the last five days) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <5481> Yamato Steel 1055800 107185 5.08251.26% 0.0999% <2491> V Commerce
Key points of interest for the 3rd in PTS = Kushim, JR Kyushu, Yamaha, ETC.
▽ Kushim <2345.T> has dissolved the capital and business alliance with CAICAD <2315.T>. ▽ JR Kyushu <9142.T> has expanded its shareholder preferential treatment system. ▽ Yamaha Motor <7272.T> has revised its financial estimates for consolidated operating profit in the fiscal year ending December 2024 to 180 billion yen (a 26.2% decrease compared to the previous year; the previous estimate was 235 billion yen). ▽ Oira Daichi <3182.T> has postponed the earnings report for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2025, expected to exceed 45 days after the end of the quarter. ▽ ANA <9202.T>, for the fiscal year ending March 2025,
Caica Digital: Confirmation
Caica Digital: Financial Report - 36th Term (2023/11/01 - 2024/10/31)
CAICAD Research Memo (6): An increase in revenue and profit is anticipated for the fiscal period ending October 2025 (turning profitable).
■ The direction of CAICA DIGITAL's (<2315>) medium-term management plan 4. Main measures for achieving the medium-term management plan (1) Expansion of existing Web3 business and enhancement of Kaika Coin (CICC) asset value. Regarding the Kaika Coin issued by the company, the policy aims to increase asset value by expanding its use cases, such as being utilized as an in-game payment currency in the rapidly evolving GameFi space. On February 29, 2024, there is a focus on Web3 companies in South Korea (Seoul).
CAICAD Research Memo (2): Strong in system development for financial institutions and Blockchain Technology.
■Business Overview CAICA DIGITAL <2315> engages in system development mainly for the financial industry and system development related to Cryptos. It also operates a 'Financial Data & Stock Exchanges' business that focuses on the expansion of Web3 Business. The company possesses advanced technology and know-how accumulated through system development for the financial industry, which requires high reliability and processing capabilities, as well as the operation of Cryptos exchanges, with around 31 technicians in the group.