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J Front, F & L C ETC (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Previous After ------------------------------------------------- <5831> Shizuoka FG Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" <8308> Resona HD Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Previous After ------------------------------------------------- <1878> Daito Trust Mizuho "Buy"
Teijin, Sumitomo Chemicals, ETC [List of brand materials from the newspaper]
*Teijin <3401> shipped samples of electrode materials, miniaturizing the Fuel Cell Energy for Autos (Nikkan Kogyo, front page) — ○*Sumitomo Chemicals <4005> focuses on Agrochemicals and electronic materials with a new mid-term plan, solidifying its foundation for a return to growth (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) — ○*Mercari <4385> enters the MVNO market, allowing the resale of unused gigabytes on 'Mercari' (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) — ○*Nagase & Co. <8012> establishes a new investment fund, creating a new company to transform its materials business (Nikkan Kogyo, page 4) — ○*Mitsubishi Corporation <8058> supports the introduction of EV trucks for Pharmaceutical Logistics comprehensively.
Rating [Securities company ratings]
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ---------------------------------------------------- <8308> Resona HD Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" <5831> Shizuoka FG Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" <9613> NTT Data G Okayama Sanwa "Hold" "Bullish" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After --------------------------------------
List of conversion stocks (part 3) [Parabolic Cigna Corp conversion stocks list]
○ List of Buy Conversion Stocks in the Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <8185> Chiyoda 1158 1066 <8278> Fuji 21522012 <8362> Fukui Silver 18791829 <8421> Shinchu Gold 219600219000 <8439> Tokyo Century 15001386 <8551> Hokkaido Bank 36453305 <8566> Ricoh Lease 52705150 <8
Escurí---Developing wedding facilities in major cities leveraging a unique Global Strategy Weapon.
Escri <2196> is primarily engaged in the bridal business, which involves planning and operating ceremonies and receptions. The segments are divided into the bridal business (84.2% of Q3 results for the fiscal year ending March 2025) and the construction A-REIT ETF business (15.8% for the same period). In its main bridal business, 27 facilities are operated primarily in major cities, and a unique store opening strategy focusing on urban locations and building-in facilities is being promoted. About half of the customers place importance on "convenience of transportation" when deciding on the venue.
Shimizu Construction, Kanadebia ETC [List of stock materials from newspapers].
*Shimizu Corporation <1803> promotes the spread of wood-pattern concrete and external sales of formwork coating agents with Toyo Aluminum (Nikkan Kogyo, page 1) - ○*SCREEN HD <7735> Goto Masato is appointed president, and Hiroe becomes chairman, correcting the Semiconductor bias (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) - ○*Nippon Paper Industries <3863> Sebe, the next president, states, "Aim for stable profit," and builds a circular business model (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) - ○*Marubeni <8002> integrates domestic A-REIT ETF business with Dai-ichi Life HD, consolidating into an intermediate holding company (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) - ○*Fuji