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Volume change rate ranking (10 o'clock hour) ~ Zain, Shinwa Wise, ETC ranked.
In the ranking of Volume change rates, by comparing the average Volume over the last five days with the Volume on the day of distribution, it is possible to understand the trends in the market participants' interests, ETC. ■ Top Volume Change Rates [As of January 21, 10:32] (Comparison of Average Volume over the Last Five Days) Stock Code Company Name Volume 5-Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <1397> SMDAM225 275070 569.00 2298.33% -0.006% <6769> The
Volume change rate ranking (9:00 hour) - DELTA-P, Osaka Soda, etc. ranked in.
In the volume change rate ranking, you can understand the interest of market participants such as trends in selection by comparing the average volume of the recent 5 days with the volume on the delivery day.■ Volume change rate top [As of 9:32 on December 5] (Comparison of average volume of the last 5 days) Code Name Volume 5-day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Price Change Rate<1478>iS High Dividend Concept 33802 107 185.08 148.03% 0.0013%<7760>IMV4
iFreeETF NASDAQ100 Leveraged(2x): Securities Report (Domestic Investment Trust Beneficiary Securities) - Fourth Term (2024/03/11-2024/09/10)
iFreeETF NASDAQ100 Leveraged(2x): Financial results summary for the fiscal year ending 2024/9 (2024/3/11 to 2024/9/10)
Volume change rate rankings (9 o'clock) - MSOL, Eternal Hosuhi, etc. ranking in
In the volume change rate ranking, comparing the average volume of the past 5 days with the volume on the delivery date allows you to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in speculation. Top volume change rate [as of September 17 9:32] (comparison of average volume of the past 5 days) Stock code Stock name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate <9355> Linco 800 107185.08 186.9% 0.0011%<2
iFreeETF NASDAQ100 Leveraged(2x): iFreeETF Profit Sharing Notice