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Global food prices have rebounded for the first time in three years, potentially increasing the burden on consumers.
The rebound in Global food prices may raise Consumer grocery spending costs this year.
Japan Aims To Reduce Food Loss At Businesses by 60%
Ichizo Pu Research Memo (9): The basic policy is to continue stable dividends. For the fiscal year ending in June 2024, the dividend is set at 12.0 yen per share.
■The Kamaboko Group<2904> recognizes the importance of returning profits to shareholders as a key management issue, and has set a basic policy of continuously providing stable dividends while considering performance, future business development, etc. In the second medium-term management plan, the target is a dividend payout ratio of 20% or more, and a shareholder capital return rate (DOE) of 1.5% or more. From the fiscal year ending June 2022 to the fiscal year ending June 2024, it has maintained a dividend of 12.0 yen per share for three periods, with a dividend payout ratio exceeding 20% and a DOE of 1.6%.
Iizumi Pachinko Research Memo (8): Aims to achieve the realization of the 1st stage '5 Years to Growth Track' in the second midterm management plan.
The second medium-term management plan is based on the basic policy of establishing the business growth and profitability foundation through bold challenges in domestic and foreign markets, and achieving the '5 years towards growth trajectory' set in the 1st stage.
Issho Kabu Research Memo (7): Formulating the "ICHIMASA30 Vision" depicting the desired state of the June 2046 period.
■Ichimasa Kamaboko <2904> mid- to long-term growth global strategy 1. "ICHIMASA 30 Vision" The company launched the "ICHIMASA 30 Vision" to outline its desired future for the fiscal year 2045 (ending June 2046), marking its 50th anniversary in 2015. It divides the 30 years into three stages of 10 years each, and further breaks down each stage into two sets of five-year "first and second medium-term management plans." The medium-term management plans incorporate backcasting thinking.
Ichizono's Research Memo (6): For the period ending June 2025, an increase in revenue and profit is anticipated due to the 50th anniversary campaign for the release of crab sticks.
■One Seisho Kamaboko <2904>'s future outlook.1. Outlook for the fiscal year ending June 2025 The consolidated performance for the year ending June 2025 is expected to achieve revenue of 36,500 million yen (an increase of 5.8% from the previous year), operating profit of 1,300 million yen (an increase of 2.3% over the previous year), ordinary profit of 1,350 million yen (an increase of 8.2% over the previous year), and net income attributable to parent company shareholders of 960 million yen (an increase of 0.3% over the previous year), anticipating an increase in both revenue and profit. The launch of the 50th anniversary campaign for Kanikama, which has been prepared since the year ending June 2024, and business uses of mushrooms.