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Jiangsu Jujie Microfiber Technology Group (300819.SZ): Plans to launch new products, including bio-based waterproof breathable membranes and bio-based leather products.
On March 19, Gelonghui reported that Jiangsu Jujie Microfiber Technology Group (300819.SZ) recently stated in an investor relations activity that the company plans to launch new products, including bio-based waterproof breathable films and bio-based leather products.
Jiangsu Jujie Microfiber Technology Group (300819.SZ): It is expected that the automotive fabric may see certain growth this year.
On March 19, Gelonghui reported that Jiangsu Jujie Microfiber Technology Group (300819.SZ) indicated in a recent investor relations activity that based on the company's current sales situation and the investment in sales over the past two years, it is expected that there may be some growth in automotive fabrics this year, but this still depends on the situation of Autos sales; secondly, regarding the company's electronic fabrics, there may also be some incremental growth in the future.
Jiangsu Jujie Microfiber Technology Group (300819.SZ): has not provided any products or services to any Siasun Robot&Automation company.
On March 11, Gelonghui reported that Jiangsu Jujie Microfiber Technology Group (300819.SZ) stated on the investor interaction platform that its newly established subsidiary, Suzhou Jidong Technology Co., Ltd., has not yet produced or sold any products. So far, the company has not provided products or services to any Siasun Robot&Automation companies. Investors are advised to be aware of investment risks.
Further Upside For Jiangsu Jujie Microfiber Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300819) Shares Could Introduce Price Risks After 26% Bounce
Jiangsu Jujie Microfiber Technology Group (300819.SZ): currently, there are no products applied in the medical field.
On December 9, Gelonghui reported that jiangsu jujie microfiber technology group (300819.SZ) stated on the investor interaction platform that the company currently has no products applied in the medical field.
Jiangsu Jujie Microfiber Technology Group (300819.SZ): The investor hotline has returned to normal use.
On December 5, according to Gelonghui, jiangsu jujie microfiber technology group (300819.SZ) announced that the company's investor hotline temporarily went down due to line faults and has now been restored to normal. The restored investor hotline is as follows: Phone: 0512-63369004. The company apologizes for the inconvenience caused to investors due to the temporary interruption of the investor hotline. At the same time, appreciation is expressed to all investors for their understanding during the hotline's temporary interruption.