CHIeru 9-Mos Net Y167.00M Vs Net Y313.00M
CHIeru Sees FY Net Y400.00M
CHieru: Summary of Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter Ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
Kirin HD, Matsukiyo Cocok, Dentsu Group, Rakuten Group (14th) (1379-5368)
The above Calendar is merely a schedule and is subject to change due to the company's circumstances.--------------------------------------- February 14 (Friday) <1379> Hokuto <1380> Akigawa Boku-en <1417> Mirait-Wan <142A> Jinjibu <1438> Gifu Landscaping <1443> Giken HD <1447> SAAF HD <145A> Elizbee<
Stocks News Premium = The wave of updates to "GIGA School" marks related stocks.
The need for updates to the school's 'GIGA School Concept' is becoming more apparent. Techno Horizon (T Horizon) <6629.T>, which handles electronic blackboards, has captured the demand, and its consolidated operating profit for the third quarter cumulative period (previous year from April to December) has significantly expanded. The government is advancing 'NEXT GIGA,' which aims to further enhance the educational IT environment, and attention is likely to shift back to related stocks. <The peak of updates is expected in fiscal years 2025-2026> Since 2020, the government has been providing one student per school.
CHieru: Interim financial results presentation materials for the fiscal year ending 2025/3
Mitsubishi Paper ETC [Attractive stocks seen from the change in Volume]
Stock closing prices compared to the previous day with Volume *<8138> Sankyo Kasei 455034548100 *<3933> Chiel 65079283600 *<2721> JHD 16117978900 *<6217> Tsudakoma 36025138800 *<3864> Mitsubishi Paper 540693773900 *<8940> Intellex 85038443300 *<5588> First A 1634142203600 *<7036> EM Net J 827862400 *<220
Shimamura, 3Q operating profit increased by 2.0% to 46.5 billion yen.
The third quarter performance announced by Shimamura <8227> for the fiscal year ending February 2025 showed a revenue of 497.8 billion 3 million yen, an increase of 3.8% compared to the same period last year, and an operating profit of 46.5 billion 59 million yen, an increase of 2.0%. The main Shimamura business expanded the assortment of its own brands and collaborative development brands with suppliers. For the fiscal year ending February 2025, the revenue is set to increase by 3.9% compared to the previous period, reaching 659.6 billion 22 million yen, and the operating profit is planned to increase by 1.9% to 56.3 billion 62 million yen.
CHieru: Notice regarding the acquisition of shares of OXJIM Co., Ltd. (making it a subsidiary) and revisions to full-year earnings forecasts
CHIeru Keeps FY Net View at Y400.00M
CHieru: Summary of financial results for the 2nd quarter (interim period) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
CHieru: Half Year Report - Term 28 (2024/04/01 - 2025/03/31)
Asahi, Matsukiyo, Dentsu Group, Lancers (14th) (1379-4990)
※The above calendar is merely a schedule and may be subject to change due to the company's circumstances. --------------------------------------- November 14 (Thursday) <1379> Hokuto <1380> Akikawa Bokuen <142A> Jinjibu <1438> Gifu Landscape <1443> Giken HD <1446> Candiule <1447> SAAF HD <145A> El
CHieru: March 2025 Quarter 1 Financial Results Announcement [Japan Standards] (Consolidated)
CHIeru 1Q Net Y36.00M Vs Net Y133.00M
CHieru: Interim report
CHieru: Financial Report - Term 27 (2023/04/01 - 2024/03/31)
CHieru: Confirmation letter
CHieru: Financial statement explanation materials for the March 2024 period.
Stocks that moved the previous day include Ridge-i, Pharmafoods, and Tokyo Seimitsu, among others.
Stock name <code>11-day closing price ⇒ Previous day comparison Chiel <3933> 558+172 Announcement of increase in dividend estimate for fiscal year ending March 2025. Nitto Uny <3524> 1618 +1382 Despite downward revisions in operating profit estimates for the fiscal year ending April 2014, revenue, ordinary profit, and net profit estimates have been upward revised. B & P <7804> 1647-127 The growth rate has shrunk from 2.8 times the first quarter to a 15.9% increase in operating profit for the first half. VEGA <3542> 677-265 Sales in the month decreased by 17.7%. Nippon Information C.