Macromill's Shareholding ratio in Oasis Management is 0%.
It has been revealed that Oasis Management's shareholding in Macromill <3978.T> has dropped to 0%. According to the large shareholding change report submitted by Oasis Management after the market close on the 26th, the shareholding ratio has decreased from 8.10% in the previous submission to 0%. The purpose of holding was as a portfolio investment. The closing price on the 26th was 1,274 yen, up 2 yen from the previous day. Provided by Wealth Advisor Co.
Express News | [Change Report] Oasis Management reports a decrease in the Shareholding percentage of Macromill (3978.JP) to 0.0%.
Express News | [Change Report] Grantham, Mayo, and Macromill (3978.JP) report a decrease in Shareholding ratio to 0.0%.
Express News | [Large Shareholding Report] Reported holding 62.59% of TJ1 and Macromill (3978.JP) shares.
Macromill's Parent Company Changes as TJ1's Tender Offer Succeeds
Express News | [Change Report] Grantham reports that the shareholding of Mayoh and Macromill (3978.JP) has increased to 11.64%.
TJ1 Revise Conditions, Raises Tender Offer Price for Macromill Shares
Macromill Amends Tender Offer to Enhance Shareholder Value
Macromill, the Shareholding ratio of Oasis Management has risen.
It has been revealed that Oasis Management's Shareholding in Macromill <3978.T> has increased. According to the large Shareholding change report submitted by Oasis Management after the market close on the 25th, the Shareholding percentage rose from 7.12% in the previous submission to 8.10%. The purpose of the Shareholding is for portfolio investment. The closing price on the 25th was 1 yen lower than the previous weekend, at 1247 yen. Provided by Wealth Advisor Co.
Express News | [Change Report] Oasis Management reports an increase in Shareholding of Macromill (3978.JP) to 8.1%.
Macromill Updates Stance on TJ1 Tender Offer; Deadline Extended
List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks that have switched to selling market Code Stock Name Ending Price SAR Tokyo Main Board <1301> Kiyokawa 4210 4435 <1808> Nagase Construction 2000 2046 <1879> Shin Nippon Construction 1528 1628 <1980> Dai Dan 3795 4300 <2206> Glico 4523 4730 <2207> Meito Sangyo 2012 2145 <2307> Cross Cat 1065 1190 <2389>
Tokio Marine raised its forecast on March 25, with ordinary profits projected at 1 trillion 380 billion yen, up from 1 trillion 240 billion yen.
Tokyo Marine <8766> announced a revision of the performance forecast for the fiscal year ending March 2025. Operating profit was revised upward from 1 trillion 240 billion yen to 1 trillion 380 billion yen, and net profit was raised from 880 billion yen to 1 trillion yen. Although the loss ratio related to Autos in the domestic insurance business is deteriorating, the sale of policy Stocks is expected to accelerate more than previously anticipated. The sales amount of policy Stocks is projected to be approximately 912 billion yen for the full year, increasing by 162 billion yen from the previous forecast. 【Positive Evaluation】 <8766> Tokyo Marine Quarterly | <4449> Giftie Full Year <2503> K
Macromill: Confirmation
Macromill Announces Financial Growth and Strategic Shifts in First Half of Fiscal Year 2025
Macromill: Semiannual report - Period 12 (2024/07/01 - 2025/06/30)
Macromill Sees FY Net Y3.10B
Macromill: Summary of financial results for the 2nd quarter (interim period) of the fiscal year ending 2025/6 [IFRS] (consolidated)
Macromill: Financial results presentation materials for the 2nd quarter of the fiscal year ending 2025/6
Kirin HD, Matsukiyo Cocok, Dentsu Group, Rakuten Group (14th) (1379-5368)
The above Calendar is merely a schedule and is subject to change due to the company's circumstances.--------------------------------------- February 14 (Friday) <1379> Hokuto <1380> Akigawa Boku-en <1417> Mirait-Wan <142A> Jinjibu <1438> Gifu Landscaping <1443> Giken HD <1447> SAAF HD <145A> Elizbee<