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Volume change rate ranking (10 o'clock hour) - Leaf gas, GXG leader, etc. are ranked.
In the ranking of Volume change rates, by comparing the average Volume over the last 5 days with the Volume on the day of delivery, one can understand market participants' interest and trends in stock selection. ■ Top Volume Change Rates [As of December 27, 10:32] (Comparison of Average Volume Over the Last 5 Days) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <9539> Leaf Gas 606200 35163.462 88.79% 0% <2247> iF500H None 42
Volume change rate ranking (1 PM) ~ Pilot, Fujiya, ETC are ranked.
In the Volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average Volume of the last 5 days with the Volume on the day of distribution, it is possible to understand the trends of market participants' interests, ETC. ■ Top Volume Change Rate [As of December 26, 13:32] (Comparison with the last 5 days average Volume) Code ⇒ Stock Name ⇒ Volume ⇒ 5 Days Average Volume ⇒ Volume Change Rate ⇒ Stock Price Change Rate <6696> Trase OP 148260046840.54 264.17% -0.0975% <7925> Maezawa Chemical 31290081
December 5th [Today's Investment Strategy]
[FISCO Selected Stock] [Material Stock] Japan Sogotech Group <7814> 445 yen (12/4) Engaged in printing, sales promotion, and original goods development. Announced the implementation of a share buyback of up to 0.6 million shares, equivalent to 1.27% of the issued shares, with a limit of 0.267 billion yen. On December 5, entrustment of repurchases will be made in the Tokyo Stock Exchange's off-auction own-share purchase trading system (ToSTNeT-3). As of December 4, 24, the company's shareholding of its own shares was 3.91 million 6240 shares. [Emerging Market
Pay attention to Keeper Technology and V-Cube.
In the U.S. stock market on the 4th, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 308.51 points to 45,014.04, the Nasdaq Composite Index rose 254.21 points to 19,735.12, and the Chicago Nikkei 225 futures in Osaka compared to daytime trading in Tokyo rose by 355 yen to 39,625 yen. The exchange rate is 1 dollar = 150.60-70 yen. In today's Tokyo market, World <3612> recovered from a 4.7% increase in November same-store sales compared to a 7.3% decrease in October, and the same-store sales of the Key Parla Lab operation in November increased by 9.3%.
Fujipream etc. [Stocks of interest based on volume changes]
Stock closing price, previous day comparison, volume *<3634>* Socket 65024221300 *<7116>* Daiwa Communications 1270881186200 *<6579>* Logly 382401203100 *<4237>* Fuji Premium 316332470300 *<5449>* Osaka Steel 3355295577800 *<3856>* A balance 813221388300 *<5940>* Fujisasshi 70057120400 *<3814>* Lufax 345756600 *
Stocks that moved the previous day part 2: Disco, Kuroganekousakusho, Bouldera etc.
Oka San Securities downgraded its investment rating.