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India to Toss Out Digital Ad Tax for Foreign Firms Ahead of Talks With U.S. Delegation
Asahi, MonotaRO ETC (additional) Rating
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After -------------------------------------------------------------- <4385> Mercari Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After ----------------------------------------------------------------- <3
Express News | [Change Report] Mitsui Sumitomo Trust reports a decrease in its shareholding in the Dentsu Group (4324.JP) to 5.52%.
Express News | [Change Report] Silchester International reports an increase in its shareholding in Dentsu Group (4324.JP) to 9.49%.
India Investigates Top Global Ad Agencies on Price Collusion Allegations - Reuters
Itochu has signed a business contract with Kyoto Prefecture for the "Kyoto Arena (tentative name) development and Operation project."
On the 10th, Itochu <8001.T> announced that it has signed a project contract with consortium member companies and Kyoto Prefecture regarding the "Kyoto Arena (tentative name) development and Operation project." According to the company, this project is to develop indoor sports facilities that meet international and national standards for hosting competitions, which were lacking in Kyoto Prefecture, through a public-private partnership DBFO method (Design Build Finance Operate), and will be constructed in Kameoka City, Kyoto Prefecture.