Rating Information (Target Price Change - Part 1) = Sumitomo, Dentsu Group, ETC
◎Nomura Securities (three-tier: Buy > neutral > Reduce) Sumitomo <4203.T> - "Buy" → "Buy", 4,700 yen → 4,600 yen Raksul <4384.T> - "Buy" → "Buy", 1,700 yen → 1,600 yen Sansan <4443.T> - "Buy" → "Buy", 2,700 yen → 2,800 yen M Forward <3994.T> - "neutral" → "neutral", 5,000 yen → 4,600 yen Casio <6952.T> - "New
List of cloud-breaking stocks [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud-breaking stocks]
○ List of stocks that have broken through the clouds in the market Code Stock Name Close Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <1417> Mirait One 2245 2243.75 2229 <2170> LINK & M 575558.55 69 <2918> Warabe Nissho 2097 2087.5 2072.5 <3673> Broadridge 675653635 <4220> Riken Technos 1055 1025.25 1052 <4521>
<Rating Change Observations> New / Sansan / Prince HD upgraded, Nissin Food HD downgraded, etc.
◎ New and Restart Sansan <4443.T> -- Internet-based rated in the middle of the three levels. ◎ Upgrade Prince HD <3861.T> -- Domestic major companies rated at the highest level of three. ◎ Downgrade Nissin Food HD <2897.T> -- European firms rated in the middle of the three levels. BASE <4477.T> -- Domestic major companies rated third in a five-tier system (Target Price increased). Round One <4680.T> -- Domestic major companies rated second in a five-tier system (Target Price increased). Provided by Wealth Advisor Co.
Rating information (investment decision change) = Oji Holdings, Round One, ETC.
◎Nomura Securities (3-tier rating: Buy > Neutral > Reduce) Oji Holdings <3861.T> - "Neutral" to "Buy", 610 yen to 770 yen. ◎Daiwa Securities (5-tier rating: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5) Round One <4680.T> - "1" to "2", 870 yen to 1500 yen. BASE <4477.T> - "2" to "3", 400 yen to 450 yen. ◎SBI Securities (3-tier rating: Buy > Hold > Sell) Sansan <4443.T> - New "Hold", 2200 yen. ◎U
List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks that have turned to Sell in the market Code Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <3696> Ceres 2695 3120 <3762> Techmato 24052584 <3835> eBASE 592639 <3854> Aile 25182674 <3861> Oji Holdings 606640 <3880> Daio Paper 846873 <3902> MDV 502532 <3916> DIT 2000214
Stocks that moved the previous day part 1: Sumitomo Riko, ABEJA, Seer Inc, ETC.
Stock name <code> Closing price on the 29th ⇒ Compared to the previous day Sumitomo Riko <5191> 1798 +218 Adjusted upward the Financial Estimates and Dividends for the fiscal year ending March 2025. MetaPra <3350> 4370 +210 Announced the "2025-2026 Bitcoin plan." Shin-Etsu Chemical <4063> 4890 -218 The operating profit for the cumulative third quarter falls below market consensus. KitoKagura <2700> 6020 +360 Adjusted upward the profit and Dividends expectations for the fiscal year ending December 2024. JFE-SI <4832> 354
Stocks that moved the day before part 2: Symphony, Technisco, Metaplanet, ETC.
Stock name <code>Closing price on the 21st ⇒ Change from the previous day Sansan <4443> 2330 -48 Observations that the USA will not lower interest rates may be a headwind for small and mid-cap growth stocks. gumi <3903> 392 -11 Pressured by the downward trend in Cryptos related stocks. Fuji HD <4676> 1823 +37.5 Reported that over 50 companies have filed for a CM injunction. IHI <7013> 8497 -176 There is a sense of exhaustion in the defense sector with the inauguration of the Trump administration. Renova <9519> 672 -15 Renova.
7&I-HD, Nexera Pharma, ETC (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ------------------------------------------------------------- <3254> Presance Morgan Stanley "Underweight" "Equal Weight" <6103> Okuma Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After --------------------------------------
Stocks that moved the previous day part 2: Groving, Material Group, Speee.
Stock Name <Code> Closing price on the 15th ⇒ Change from the previous day Sansan <4443> 2345 -105 seeing a significant drop in profits in the first half as negative. Kioxia HD <285A> 1846 -104 also dragged down by the lackluster movement of Semiconductors related stocks. Interaction <7725> 1065 -6 saw a significant rise on the 14th due to upward earnings revision. Nexcela Pharma <4565> 931 -39 concerns over supply and demand trends are also strong. Japan Steel Works <5631> 5743 -.
Toho's operating profit in the third quarter increased by 26.9% to 52.8 billion yen.
Toho <9602> announced that for the third quarter of the fiscal period ending February 2025, operating revenue increased by 15.3% year-on-year to 234.169 billion yen, and operating profit rose by 26.9% to 52.81 billion yen. The film exhibition business saw a decrease in both revenue and profit compared to the previous year, but the sales of character goods related to Toho's monster characters, centered around 'Godzilla,' significantly contributed to operating income. 【Positive evaluation】 <3266> FundクリG full year | <9837> Morito full year <4413> Board
Key points of attention for the 14th PTS = Furuno Electric, Hitocom HD, Toho, Progrit, ETC.
▽ Furuno Electric <6814.T> has increased its consolidated operating profit Financial Estimates for the fiscal year ending February 2025 from 11 billion yen to 12 billion yen (an increase of 84% compared to the previous period). The marine segment is performing well. The annual Dividends estimate has been raised from 75 yen to 90 yen (the previous period was 60 yen). ▽ Hitocom HD <4433.T> has raised its consolidated operating profit Financial Estimates for the first half of the fiscal year ending August 2025 from 720 million yen to 1.04 billion yen (a decrease of 18% compared to the same period last year). ▽ Toho <9602.T>, the consolidated operating profit for the third quarter cumulative of the fiscal year ending February 2025 (from March to November of 2024) is 52.8 billion yen (
Sansan: Confirmation
Sansan: Half Year Report - Term 18 (2024/06/01 - 2024/11/30)
Sansan 1H Net Y320.00M Vs Net Y172.00M
Sansan: Presentation of financial results for the 2nd quarter of the fiscal year ending May 2025
Sansan: Summary of financial results for the 2nd quarter (interim period) of the fiscal year ending 2025/5 [Japanese GAAP] (consolidated)
Sansan: (Correction) Partial Corrections to “Financial Results Explanatory Materials for the 1st Quarter Ending May 2025”
List of Conversion Stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal Conversion Stocks]
○ List of stocks for Buy conversion market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <3636> Mitsubishi Research 4915 4820 <4053> Sun Asterisk 689667 <4275> Carlit 12371206 <4443> Sansan 24452078 <4530> Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical 46564017 <4631> DIC 35403345 <4901> Fujifilm 33153225 <4996> Kumia
Kasumigaseki Capital, Asahi Chemicals, Toho, Bunkyo HD (14th)
※ The above Calendar is merely a schedule and may be subject to change due to corporate circumstances. --------------------------------------- January 14 (Tuesday) <135A> VRAIN <1377> Sakata Seed <138A> Hikari Food Service <1401> mbs <1407> West HD <1418> Interlife <1419> Tama Home <1430> 1st Co.
Stocks that moved the previous day part 1: Fast Retailing, Speee, Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical, ETC.
Stock name <code> Closing price on the 10th ⇒ Comparison with the previous day 7 & iHD <3382> 2490 +115.5 surged in the latter half of the day. Apollo, a U.S. investment firm, is considering an investment of up to 1 trillion 500 billion yen in MBO. Speee <4499> 4965 -685 announced that it is necessary to form a consensus in the business related to digital payment methods (stablecoins). Ohwell <7670> 953 +35 is the first in the world to introduce equipment coated with a large-area riblet shape coating on international flights. Vitz <4440>