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The Nikkei average is down about 320 yen, selling leading followed by a slight decline = 25th morning session.
On the 25th, at around 10:02 AM, the Nikkei Average was trading approximately 320 yen lower than the previous week, around 38,450 yen. At 9:20 AM, it dropped to 38,131.79 yen, down 645.15 yen. In the U.S. stock market on the 24th, although the NY Dow slightly rebounded, the Nasdaq Composite Index fell for the third consecutive day. Additionally, the SOX Index, which is influenced by Semiconductors and has a high contribution to the Nikkei Average, also continued to decline, resulting in selling pressure on Japanese stocks.
$19.6 Bn Alzheimer's Disease Global Markets, Therapeutics and Diagnostics to 2029, Profiles of Leading Players - AbbVie, Biogen, Eisai Co, Eli Lilly and Co., and F. Hoffmann-La Roche -
Pancreatic Cancer Pipeline Analysis Report Featuring Key Players - Pfizer, Sanofi, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eisai, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, F-Hoffmann-La Roche
The Nikkei average fell by 312 yen, marking a decline for the first time in four days, with nearly 70% of Main Board stocks decreasing in value = 14th afternoon session.
On the 14th, the Nikkei average stock price in the afternoon session fell by 312 yen and 04 cents from the previous day to 39,149 yen and 43 cents, marking a decline for the first time in four days. The TOPIX (Tokyo Stock Price Index) dropped by 6.38 points to 2,759.21 points. The Nikkei average experienced selling pressure from the morning and moved sluggishly. Although there was a brief moment when it turned upwards, the resistance at higher prices was significant. In the afternoon, following a move towards a stronger yen against the dollar, the decline widened. With weekend factors also compounding, the Nikkei average continued to trend weakly.
List of cloud break stocks (Part 2) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud break stocks]
○ List of stocks that have broken below the clouds in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock Exchange Main Board <1952> Shin Nippon Air Conditioning 1682 1993.25 1858.5 <2001> Nippon Flour Mills 2142 22153.5 2153.5 <2445> Takamiya 4054 13.25 432 <3088> Matsukiyo Cocokara 2175 2223.75 2178.5 <3276> JPMC 1121 1124.
Biogen Outlook Disappoints Amid Pressure on Multiple Sclerosis Franchise
J Servai (JLAPT) : $Target Hospitality (TH.US)$ ...