Earlier session / Active stocks and traded stocks [Active stocks and traded stocks]
*Daisue Construction <1814> 1962 +157 viewed as a Buy due to a significant Shareholding. *Tanseisha <9743> 1116 +66 continues to be positively received for its forecast of double-digit profit growth and planned dividend increase. *Yamashin Filter <6240> 631 +31 also has pointers such as the quarterly report. *Taiyo Yuden <6976> 2673 +131 is particularly lacking in materials, making short covering a dominant trend. *IHI <7013> 11790 +520 expansion in private aviation engine Components.
Stocks such as Juishi HD [Interesting stocks based on changes in Volume].
Closing price of the stock compared to the previous day Volume *<6769>* Zain 1041150560300 *<1595>* NZAMJ REIT 174114149480 *<2033>* KOSPI Bull 1068085561 *<1625>* Electric Precision 384502502240 *<3467>* Aggre City D 18304867800 *<1514>* Jujitsu HD 813661930400 *<7351>* Good Patch 5762088000 *<5136>* tripla 2085400375
Stocks that moved and those that were traded in the front market.
*Tenma <7958> 3660 +545 The TOB price of 3580 yen continues to narrow due to the implementation of MBO. *Tanseisha <9743> 1050 +150 Favorable outlook for consecutive double-digit profit increases and dividend plans. *Migaro HD <5535> 2416 +264 Joint results announcement for the verification project will be held tomorrow. *ANYCOLOR <5032> 3520 +200 The day before, Goldman Sachs Group Inc raised the Target Price. *Japan Micro Devices <6871> 4105 +
Stocks hitting the upper and lower limits before the market.
■ Price limit up <218A> Liberaware <5136> tripla <5721> S-Science <6085> Architects Studio Japan <6769> Zain Electronics <9743> Tanseisha ■ Price limit down * Includes temporary price limits (indicative prices).
Tripla hits the maximum price limit, favorably responding to the upward revision of profit Financial Estimates.
Tripla Inc <5136.T>, which engages in lodging reservation systems and AI (Artificial Intelligence) chatbots, has surged. It began with a buying indication and hit the daily limit of 2,085 yen (an increase of 400 yen from the previous day). After the market closed on the 17th, it announced an upward revision of the financial estimates for the fiscal year ending October 2025, attracting buying interest. Regarding consolidated operating profit, the full-year forecast was raised from 438 million yen to 528 million yen (a 95.7% increase compared to the previous year). The usage-based revenue of the Japan subsidiary "tripla Book" is planned.
tripla, Daiwa Cycle and others
<184A> The revised forecast for the learning aid has been adjusted downward, with an operating loss outlook of △0.299 billion yen, down from 0.2 billion yen. <286A> Acquired stocks of Gplus, which engages in Yukaria A-REIT ETF inheritance consulting, making it a wholly-owned subsidiary. <4014> Concluded a memorandum regarding the consideration of a business partnership with Sumitomo Life Insurance Mutual Company, which operates in the Insurance business. <4169> Recorded a subsidy income from Enechange of 4.676 billion yen as non-operating income. <4591> Ribomic JST・CREST "AI App.
Tanaka Chemical Research, revised deficit for 25/3 operating loss of -0.45 billion yen from -0.9 billion yen.
Tanaka Chemical Research Co., Ltd. <4080> announced a revision of its financial estimates for the fiscal year ending March 2025. Revenue has been revised down from 38 billion yen to 36 billion yen, and operating loss has been lowered from a loss of 0.9 billion yen to a loss of 0.45 billion yen. The slowdown in the growth of the EV market has significantly impacted this, with sales volumes decreasing more than expected. On the profit side, inventory valuation losses of 1.398 billion yen were recorded. 【Positive Evaluation】 <5136> tripla Four | <325A> TENTIAL Annual <3169> Misawa Annual | <3467> Agree City D Revision <
Key points to watch on the 17th in PTS = ACSL, Karada Note, Tenshal, ETC.
▽Dansei Corporation <9743.T> announced its financial results for the year ending January 2025. The consolidated operating profit for the year ending January 2026 is expected to be 6 billion yen (an increase of 16.6% compared to the previous fiscal year). Despite rising costs, demand is performing better than expected, leading to an increase in the medium-term plan. ▽Tokyo Machine <6335.T> announced an upward revision of its business plan for the fiscal year ending March 2025. The consolidated operating profit has been increased from 70 million yen to 390 million yen. The production progress of the new printing machines and the progress of maintenance-related construction were adjusted due to changes in the timing of raw material procurement compared to forecasts.
Tripla: Presentation of financial results for the 1st quarter of the fiscal year ending 2025/10
Tripla: Notice regarding revisions to full-year earnings forecasts and first-half earnings forecasts
Tripla: Summary of Financial Results for the 1st Quarter Ending 2025/10 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
Misawa, Sanbio, Kyowa Industry, Clasico (17th)
※The above Calendar is just a schedule and may be subject to change due to the company's circumstances.--------------------------------------- March 17 (Mon) <1444> Nissou <184A> Manabi Aid <3169> Misawa <325A> TENTIAL <3415> Tokyo Base <3497> LeTech <3565> Ascentec <3665> Eni SpA <
Tripla: Summary of questions and answers at the 10th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Tripla: Interim report.
Tripla: Confirmation
Tripla: Financial Report - 10th Term (2023/11/01 - 2024/10/31)
Stocks to watch: New product development and cross-selling promotion.
Although Tripla <5136.T> shows some sense of stagnation, there is stability around the 1500 yen mark. It seems to be aiming for higher gains again. The company offers the official website reservation system "Tripla Book" for lodging facilities. Due to the weak yen and the boom of Japan overseas, inbound tourism (foreign tourists visiting Japan) is rapidly increasing. According to the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO), it is expected to reach about 37 million in 2024, the highest ever recorded.
The Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Index has rebounded, staying in positive territory but with limited gains.
TSE Growth Market Index 815.81 +0.92 / Volume 0.2 billion 30.7 million shares / Trading value 131.1 billion yen TSE Growth Market 250 Index 635.85 +0.41 / Volume 0.1 billion 9.36 million shares / Trading value 95.6 billion yen Today's growth market saw a rebound in both the TSE Growth Market Index and the TSE Growth Market 250 Index, with 251 stocks increasing, 308 stocks decreasing, and 38 unchanged. The growth market today experienced a heavy upper range.
Volume change rate ranking (9 AM slot) - DWTI, Asiro, ETC are ranked.
In the Volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average Volume of the last 5 days with the Volume on the day of distribution, it is possible to understand the trends in stock selection and the interests of market participants. ■ Top Volume change rates [As of December 16, 9:35] (Comparison of the average Volume of the last 5 days) Stock code Stock name Volume Average Volume over 5 days Volume change rate Stock price change rate <2624> iF225 Year 464086107185.0 8264.1% 0.0025% <7378> Ashi
Park 24, operating profit for 24/10 increased by 21.0% to 38.6 billion yen, Financial Estimates for 25/10 is an increase of 0.8% to 39 billion yen.
Park 24 <4666> announced its financial results for the fiscal year ending October 2024, with revenue increasing by 12.4% compared to the previous period, reaching 370.9 billion 13 million yen, and operating profit up 21% to 38.6 billion 97 million yen. The increased recognition of Times Car through promotional activities, enhancements to the membership program, and improvements in the user Interface Inc within the application contributed to convenience enhancements. Promotional campaigns aimed at encouraging usage also led to steady growth in memberships and utilization. [Positive Evaluation]