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List of Conversion Stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal Conversion Stocks]
○ List of Buy Conversion Stocks Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1899> Fukuda Corporation 5300 5110 <1934> Uratech 1467 1398 <2674> Hard Off 1856 1776 <2980> SREHD 3050 2981 <3150> Grimms 2601 2369 <3179> Shuppin 1029 966 <3482> Roadster 2529 2406 <3561> Chikara
List of cloud break stocks (Part 2) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud break stocks]
○ List of stocks that broke below the cloud market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <1332> Nissui 907 921.5 918.5 <1375> Yukiguni Maitake 1013 1030.25 1019.5 <1860> Toda Corporation 9219 27.25 957 <1882> Toa Road 1291 1304 1340.5 <1893> Goyo Construction 621 632.75 624 <196
Arisawa Mfg: Half-Year Report - Term 77 (2024/04/01 - 2025/03/31)
Arisawa Mfg: Confirmation letter
List of cloud breakout stocks (Part 1) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Cloud Breakout Stock List]
List of breakout stocks in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Board: <2294> Kakuyasu Honpo 2720 2705.75 2569.5 <2371> 2574 2481.75 2129 <2410> Career DC 1824 1814.25 1664 <2445> Takamiya 4534 4839.5 <3092> ZOZO 5180 4919 459
Stocks that moved the previous day part1: Celes, Furukawa Electric, Maiko, etc.
Stock name <code> Closing price on the 8th => Round One <4680> 1093 +91 Operating profit for the previous period increased by 24.2%. Exceeding the previous estimate of 12.0% increase. Celes <3696> 2086 +400 Operating profit for the third quarter increased by 94.2%. The first half saw a 74.1% increase. Toyokawa Works <6203> 1095 +122 Operating profit for the previous period increased by 3.8 times compared to the same period last year. Cellsis <3663> 1356 +120 Operating profit for the third quarter increased by 73.9%. The first half saw a 51.6% increase.