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Envipro Holdings Releases 2024 Sustainability Report
ENVIPRO HOLDINGS: Financial results briefing for the 2nd quarter of the fiscal year ending June 2025 (transcript)
List of convertible stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal convertible stocks]
○ List of stocks for Buy conversion in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1813> Futaba Tetra 2267 2175 <2307> Crosscat 12081043 <2804> Bluesource 17671703 <2871> Nichirei 34833346 <3349> Cosmos Pharmaceutical 70496740 <3391> Tsuruha HD 93979116 <3932> Akatsuki 30902734 <4507> Shiono
Fujipream etc. [Stocks of interest based on volume changes]
Stock closing prices changes in Volume*<4237> Fuji Premium 397614122300*<2334> Iore 52834210100*<2307> Crosscat 1208163675000*<5698> Envipro HD 41531871300*<3671> Soft MAX 8682952200*<1813> Fudo Tetra 226785129700*<2479> J-Tech 2382269300.
Japanese stock buybacks this week (2/17~2/21)
――――2/17――――$Nippon Express Holdings(9147.JP)$ will buy back up to 30 million shares, 11.53% of its outstanding shares (excluding its own shares), for an amount of JPY¥ 50 billion.$GungHo Online
Spot information on individual stocks (1)
C-Cat <2307.T> significantly rises. The consolidated operating profit Financial Estimates for the current fiscal year have been upwardly revised from 1.58 billion yen to 1.75 billion yen (15% increase compared to the previous year). The annual Dividends Financial Estimate is 31 yen (28 yen for both the previous period and previous estimates). Envipro H <5698.T> significantly rebounds. A Share Buyback limit of 1 billion yen and 2 million shares (6.6% of the total issued shares) has been established. Mynet <3928.T> loses momentum after a morning high. Proof X (Shibuya, Tokyo) collaborates with Artificial Intelligence (AI) agent technology.