Tenryu Saw Mfg: Half Year Report - Term 172 (2024/04/01 - 2025/03/31)
Tenryu Saw Mfg: Summary of financial results for the 2nd quarter (interim period) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
Tenryu Saw Mfg: Notice regarding differences between earnings forecasts and actual results for the second quarter (interim period)
Sony Group Corp, Asics, Mitsui Fudosan, Softbank (8th)(5541-9959)
※The calendar above is only a schedule and may be subject to change depending on the company's convenience. --------------------------------------- November 8th (Friday) <5541> Ohira Gold <5631> Nisshin Steel <5644> Metal Art <5706> Mitsui Gold <5711> Mitsubishi Ma <5727> Houg Titanium <5759> Nihon Denka <5816> Onamba <5830>
Volume Change Rate Ranking (9 o'clock) - Toyo Self-ki, Kuboteck, etc. are ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, you can understand the interest of market participants such as trends in the market by comparing the average volume of the last 5 days with the volume on the day of distribution. Top volume change rate [as of 9:32 on November 5th] (Comparison of average volume for the last 5 days) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <9049> Keifuku Den 200107185.08 400% 0% <6907> Geomatech 108400 258.
Tenryu Saw Mfg 1Q Net Y495.00M Vs Net Y349.00M
Tenryu Saw Mfg: March 2025 Quarter 1 Financial Results Announcement [Japan Standards] (Consolidated)
INPEX, Sumitomo Riko, Suntory BF, and Kao (8th) (1375-5989).
*Please note that the above calendar is subject to change due to company circumstances. --------------------------------------- August 8th (Thursday) <1375> Yukiguni Maitake <1382> HOB <1439> Yasue Construction <1605> INPEX <1662> Petroleum Resources <167A> Ryosan Hiryo <1721> Comsys HD <1736> Autec <178>
Volume change rate ranking (9:00 am) - Libomic, Yumiru link and other companies are ranked in.
*In volume change rate rankings, you can understand the interest of market participants, such as trending stocks, by comparing the volume for the most recent 5 days with the volume on the day of release. *Volume Change Rate Ranking Top [as of 9:32 on July 19] (Comparison with the most recent 5-day average volume): Stock Code and Name Volume 5-day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <7446> Tohoku Chemical 200 107185.08 400% 0% <3409> Kita-Nippon Bank
Tenryu Saw Mfg: Interim report
Tenryu Saw Mfg: Confirmatory letter.
Tenryu Saw Mfg: Securities Report - 171st period (04/01/2023 - 03/31/2024)
Check out the disclosed information for [Tomorrow's Good and Bad Materials]! (Announced on 5/14)
[Good news] ---- ---- ■UT Group [Tokyo Stock Exchange P] current fiscal year accounts increased 44% to the highest profit for the 3rd consecutive term, and dividends for the previous fiscal year increased by 3.12 yen, and dividends increased by 68.66 yen this fiscal year. ■CSS Holdings [TSE S] revised the current fiscal year's current account upward by 54%, and dividends were also increased by 10 yen. ■Care Services [Tokyo Stock Exchange S] Current accounts increased 17% to the highest profit for the 3rd consecutive term and 2 yen increase in dividends. ■SRE Holdings [Tokyo Stock Exchange
Tenryu Saw Mfg: Notice regarding dividends from surplus funds
Tenryu Saw Mfg: Summary of Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2024 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
Tenryu Saw Mfg FY Net Y1.23B Vs Net Y1.66B
Idemitsu Kosan, ENEOS HD, Sony G, Nitori HD (14 days) (5019-9987)
*The above calendar is just a schedule and is subject to change due to company circumstances. ---------------------------------------5/14 (Tue) <5019>Idemitsu Kosan <5020>EneoshD<5027>AnyMindG <5028>Second Site <5029>Circlace <5033>Nulavo <5035>HOUSEI <50
Volume change rate ranking (around 9 o'clock) ~ Cyberage, Trans, etc. are ranked
* In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to know the interest of market participants, such as shopping trends, by comparing the average turnover for the last 5 days with the turnover on the day of distribution. ■Top Volume Change Rate [4/25 9:33 as of 9:33] (Last 5 Day Average Volume Comparison) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5 Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <7531> Qingchuo 100 107185.08 400% 0% <2342> Tiger
Tenryu Saw Mfg 9-Mos Net Y809.00M Vs Net Y1.45B
Tenryu Saw Mfg 1H Net Y600.00M Vs Net Y1.14B