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Chugokukogyo: Half Year Report - Term 75 (2024/04/01-2025/03/31)
Chugokukogyo: Summary of financial results for the 2nd quarter (interim period) of the fiscal year ending 2025/3 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
Chugokukogyo Co 1Q Net Y7.00M Vs Loss Y69.00M
Chugokukogyo: Fiscal year ending March 2025, First Quarter Financial Results (Consolidated) [Japanese Standards]
INPEX, Sumitomo Riko, Suntory BF, and Kao (8th) (1375-5989).
*Please note that the above calendar is subject to change due to company circumstances. --------------------------------------- August 8th (Thursday) <1375> Yukiguni Maitake <1382> HOB <1439> Yasue Construction <1605> INPEX <1662> Petroleum Resources <167A> Ryosan Hiryo <1721> Comsys HD <1736> Autec <178>
Volume change rate ranking (9:00 am) - Libomic, Yumiru link and other companies are ranked in.
*In volume change rate rankings, you can understand the interest of market participants, such as trending stocks, by comparing the volume for the most recent 5 days with the volume on the day of release. *Volume Change Rate Ranking Top [as of 9:32 on July 19] (Comparison with the most recent 5-day average volume): Stock Code and Name Volume 5-day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <7446> Tohoku Chemical 200 107185.08 400% 0% <3409> Kita-Nippon Bank