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Hua Yuan Property (600743.SH): The company's current operational activities are all normal.
On December 11, Gelonghui reported that Hua Yuan Property (600743.SH) announced that the closing price of the company’s stocks had deviated by a cumulative increase of 20% over three consecutive trading days (December 9, December 10, and December 11, 2024), which qualifies as an abnormal fluctuation in stock trading. After the company’s self-check and written confirmation to the controlling Shareholder, there is no significant information that should have been disclosed but was not. The announcement indicates that the company's current operational activities are normal and there have been no significant changes in the internal and external operating environment.
Is Huayuan PropertyLtd (SHSE:600743) Using Debt In A Risky Way?
Huayuan Real Estate: Huayuan Real Estate Report for the Third Quarter of 2024
Huayuan Real Estate Report for the Third Quarter of 2024
Huayuan Real Estate Business Report for the Third Quarter of 2024
hua yuan property (600743.SH): net loss of 0.731 billion yuan in the first three quarters.
On October 30, Hua Yuan Property (600743.SH) released the third quarter report for 2024, with the company's revenue for the first three quarters at 3.436 billion yuan, a 45.82% decrease year-on-year; net income attributable to shareholders of the listed company was -0.731 billion yuan; basic earnings per share were -0.379 yuan.