Despite promising growth, the company's P/E ratio mirrors the market's, indicating investor skepticism about future growth. Unseen threats to earnings may be hindering the P/E ratio from reflecting the positive outlook. Investors anticipate future earnings volatility.
Keli Sensing Technology's declining ROCE trend is concerning. Despite stock gains, underlying trends must improve for sustained optimism. The company's reinvestment strategy may take time to impact earnings.
Despite strong earnings outlook and faster-than-market growth, the company's P/E ratio is lower, indicating investor skepticism about future growth. Lower P/E ratio may be due to potential risks and anticipated earnings instability.
Keli Sensing Technology's performance is commendable, thanks to a decent ROE and growth over the years. The company makes efficient use of profits by reinvesting significantly at a high return rate. Industry analysts predict accelerated future earnings.
The decreasing trend in the company's ROCE and increased reinvestment without prominent revenue growth might hinder the possibility of the company becoming a multi-bagger going forward, despite the stock gaining an impressive 89% over the last three years.
Keli Sensing Technology Stock Forum
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