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Volume change rate ranking (9 o'clock hour) - Data SEC, Nichicon, etc. are ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, comparing the average volume over the last five days with the volume on the day of distribution allows insight into market participants' interests, such as trends in stock selection. ■ Top volume change rates [As of February 7, 9:32] (Compared to the average volume over the last five days) Stock Code Stock Name Volume Average Volume over 5 Days Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <3666> Technos JPN 2641000 107185.08 341.89% 0.015% <4591> Rebo
Nippon Steel, operating profit for the third quarter decreased by 8.5% to 566.1 billion yen.
Nippon Steel <5401> announced its third quarter results for the fiscal year ending March 2025, reporting revenue of 6 trillion 552.4 billion 98 million yen, a 1.3% decrease compared to the same period last year, and an operating profit of 566.1 billion 25 million yen, an 8.5% decrease. For the fiscal year ending March 2025, revenue is planned to be 8 trillion 600 billion yen, a 3% decrease from the previous period. Additionally, the company announced the dissolution of its mutual investment relationship with Kobe Steel <5406>, which has continued since 2002, while business collaborations will continue. A review of the relationship of group companies and policy measures is underway.
Gamecard-Joyco Holdings: Summary of financial results for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (consolidated)
Triple Eyes Research Memo (1): Expanding business scale through consecutive acquisitions. Moving forward, synergy creation through acquisitions will be the key.
■Summary Triple Eyes <5026> consists of two main businesses: the AI solution business, which includes the development of AI/systems, the provision of AI-equipped services, and design development for Auto Manufacturers, and the GPU server business, which involves the sale and maintenance services of GPU machines handled by Zero Field, Inc., which joined the group in September 2023. The AI solution business is composed of the SI (System Integration) division and the AIZE division.
Japan Machinery Orders Decline 2.9% in September
Japanese stock buybacks this week (11/11~11/15)
――――11/11――――$KYB(7242.JP)$ will buy back up to 4.6 million shares, 18.4% of its outstanding shares (excluding its own shares), for an amount of JPY¥ 20 billion.$Persol Holdings(2181.JP)$ will