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Rating information (change in investment determination - part 2) = Sega Sammy, Visional, ETC.
◎ JP Morgan Securities (three levels: Overweight > Neutral > Underweight) Sega Sammy <6460.T> - New "Overweight", 3,700 yen Bandai Namco <7832.T> - New "Overweight", 5,000 yen NINTENDO CO LTD <7974.T> - New "Overweight", 11,600 yen Capcom Co., Ltd. <9697.T> - New "Overweight", 4,100 yen Konami Group <9766.T> - New "Overweight", 1,840 yen.
<Rating Change Observation> New - Nippatsu / OLC upgraded, Unicharm downgraded, ETC.
◎New and Resumed Nexon <3659.T> -- The US-based is in the middle of three stages Nippon Steel <5991.T> -- The bank-affiliated is at the top of three stages Sega Sammy Holdings <6460.T> -- The US-based is at the top of three stages Leon <6823.T> -- Domestic medium-sized is at the top of three stages FANUC CORP <6954.T> -- The bank-affiliated is at the top of three stages (Coverage Initiated) F Engineer <7088.T> -- The internet-based is at the top of three stages Bandai Namco Holdings <7832.T> -- The US-based is at the top of three stages.
Sega Sammy's Co-production Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Movie Hits $425 Million at Box Office
Rating information (Target Price change) = Yusen, Gift HD, ETC
◎ Nomura Securities (three-level rating: Buy > Neutral > Reduce) Nippon Yusen <9101.T> - "Buy" → "Buy", 7,300 yen → 6,500 yen Mitsui O.S.K. Lines <9104.T> - "Buy" → "Buy", 7,300 yen → 6,900 yen Kawasaki Kisen <9107.T> - "Neutral" → "Neutral", 2,350 yen → 2,200 yen ◎ Daiwa Securities (five-level rating: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5) Gift HD <9279.T> - "2" → "2", 3,500 yen → 3,700 yen ◎ Mizuho Securities
January 23 [Today's Investment Strategy]
[Fisco Selected Stocks] [Material Stocks] Gokurakuyu Holdings <2340> 470 yen (1/22) operates bath facilities under the "Gokurakuyu" and "RAKU SPA" brands. It was announced that a business partnership was formed with Hinata no Mori, a group company of Nishi Nihon Gas Holdings <9536>, which operates the bath facility "Hinata no Mori Kodo no Yudokoro". In addition to conducting promotional events organized by Gokurakuyu at "Hinata no Mori Kodo no Yudokoro", there will also be joint development of products and services related to the bathing business.
Pay attention to InfoMT and Haide Hidaka.
In the US stock market on the 22nd, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by 130.92 points to 44,156.73, the Nasdaq Composite Index increased by 252.56 points to 20,009.34, and the Chicago Nikkei 225 Futures rose by 225 yen compared to Osaka daytime to 39,805 yen. The exchange rate is 1 dollar = 156.50-60 yen. In today's Tokyo market, Infom MT <2492>, which announced an upward revision of the financial estimates for the fiscal year ending December 2024 and is predicting a 92.1% increase in operating profit for the fiscal year ending December 2025, is conducting a share buyback of up to 2% of the issued stocks.